Below, you can see an interesting look at the past to show you how much life has changed. Some are cringe-worthy, but others aren’t. Regardless, you get an idea of what it was like decades ago.
Alcoa Aluminum – 1965
This advertisement showed how easy it was to open Alcoa Aluminum caps. However, they made it seem like it had to be easy, or else a woman couldn’t do it. That’s slightly chauvinistic and pig-headed, but that’s what it was like in 1965.

Alcoa Aluminum – 1965
McDonald’s – 1965
Here, you can see an advertisement for McDonald’s “All American” meal. It showed a hamburger, milkshake, and French fries and only cost 52 cents. If you wanted the shake to be a dessert, you could add another beverage. Overall, a full meal was much less than $1.

McDonald’s – 1965
Tipalet – 1960s
This advertisement shows men that they should blow cigarette smoke into a woman’s face to keep her captivated. It’s highly outdated because it shows misogyny, but it also gratifies smoking, which is highly unhealthy. There’s no way it could run today!

Tipalet – 1960s
Schlitz Beer – 1960s
This Schlitz Beer advert makes people realize that pop tabs weren’t always the most popular choice. Could you imagine getting a can opener to crack a cold brew? Luckily, companies are more innovative and make it easier!

Schlitz Beer – 1960s
Columbia Records – 1970s
It’s hard to believe that someone could get 13 tapes or records for only $1.00. If you joined the club, you got an excellent price, and those sold individually would add up significantly. Much has changed!

Columbia Records – 1970s
Ohio Carriage Company – 1900s
It’s hard to tell immediately from the ad, but The Ohio Carriage Company was ahead of its time. It uses the advert to show that it doesn’t employ children. Plus, it offered a 30-day trial for the Split Hickory Buggy. What more could you need?!

Ohio Carriage Company – 1900s
7-Up – 1960s
It’s odd to think that brands could make bold claims like this soda advertisement did. If you drink 7-Up, you get a burst of energy that can help you become better at ping-pong, bowling, and more. Plus, it only takes two to six minutes. However, the confusion stems from the woman posing.

7-Up – 1960s
Marilyn Monroe Firework Safety – 1950s
We’re not sure why Marilyn Monroe is in a swimsuit with a seductive pose or how that helps people focus on safety during the 4th of July. However, it likely caught many people’s attention, so it must have done its job!

Marilyn Monroe Firework Safety – 1950s
General Electric – 1980s
Most people hit the “snooze” button on their alarm clocks, and advertisements rarely focus on that as a new feature. However, GE changed it all when it introduced the high-tech alarm clock. Who could have known it would become so popular?!

General Electric – 1980s
Modern Hair Styling – 1950s
This ad from the ’50s showcases what modern hairstyles were for men. Some of them have gone in and out of style a few times throughout the decades. However, it’s still interesting to see them evolve and come back!

Modern Hair Styling – 1950s
Budweiser – 1950s
This Budweiser advert is interesting. First, it points out that wives weren’t included in a boy’s night poker game. However, they still had to be stocked with snacks and beers. Then, it takes credit for the wife having a good memory.

Budweiser – 1950s
Hormel – 1970s
During the ’70s, many people felt the hard economic times when they went grocery shopping. Hormel marketed to that, promising a meal with meat without the high price. It must have worked because the brand is still around today!

Hormel – 1970s
Leggs – 1970s
Many ads are sexist, but this is just wrong. It dehumanizes a woman, showing that men should walk all over them because of a pair of pants. That’s crazy, but it’s even stranger that the ad ran. Nothing like that could be seen today!

Leggs – 1970s
Nichols Industries Inc – 1950s
Realistic gun toys aren’t possible today with the many news stories depicting children shooting others. However, the 1950s were different, and this company played on the realistic sound and features. Gun violence wasn’t as prevalent then, though.

Nichols Industries Inc – 1950s
Kohler Bathroom Fixtures – 1960s
This bathroom screams 1960s aesthetic, but that’s okay because it was a Kohler’s ad from that period. Still, it’s funny to think about a company advertising avocado-colored appliances. Hopefully, those toilets and tub don’t make a comeback!

Kohler Bathroom Fixtures – 1960s
Airflow Company – 1980s
Sex sells, even in the 1980s. Though you probably enjoy the scene, it doesn’t do much to focus on the computer hardware. Most people would keep the air conditioning off if their employees walked around like that. Overall, it’s awkward!

Airflow Company – 1980s
Sears – 1910s
It’s hard to believe that Sears sold houses, but you also wonder how a 12-bedroom home could cost $6,000! While things were simpler back then and incomes were smaller, it’s still an oddity and something most people can’t even dream about.

Sears – 1910s
Cigar Institute of America – 1960s
The 1960s seemed to like comparing modern men to cavemen and treating women like property. This brand thought that men might smoke its cigars if they felt that primal need to go back to clubs. Plus, they could get their own cavewoman.

Cigar Institute of America – 1960s
Sears Pikes Peak Hill – 1960s
There’s something wholesome about this illustrated advert showcasing the Sears Pike Peak Hill Climb toy. You can feel the wonder within the children, and the family seems excited. It actually looks impressive.

Sears Pikes Peak Hill – 1960s
Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic – 1950s
Lucky Tucker Hair Tonic showcased this ad in the ’50s, promising men their pick of the women if they used the product. That’s not how things work, but the ad campaign still ran for a while.

Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic – 1950s
Tart-Chestnut Co – 1930s
The name of the Tart-Chestnut product wasn’t considered inappropriate at the time. However, it’s the perfect example of how word meanings change over time. “Big Tits” is the nickname of the chip company, but that’s not true now!

Tart-Chestnut Co – 1930s
Sony – 1960s
While smartphones are the rage now, people used to carry heavy equipment to record things on video. Clearly, the man is videotaping a bird’s nest, but it still seems a little creepy that he’s in a tree. Maybe he captured something else!

Sony – 1960s
Kellogg’s – 1930s
Kellogg’s, the popular cereal manufacturer, chose to sell vitamins in the 1930s. However, they were marketed by telling husbands that their wives would be more energetic and look cuter after using them. Thankfully, this marketing tactic is not used anymore!

Kellogg’s – 1930s
Toothache Drops – 1885
Many people don’t realize that cocaine was legal in 1885 and was even advertised! These toothache drops contained the drug, and you could buy them at any local pharmacy. You even see kids on the advert!

Toothache Drops – 1885
Camel – 1940s
It’s hard to believe a cigarette maker is using a doctor to promote its product. Camel released an advert claiming that more doctors smoke that brand than other cigarettes. This couldn’t work today, and most doctors don’t promote smoking!

Camel – 1940s
Sony – 1980s
The Sony Walkman was highly popular in the ’80s and ’90s. This ad captures the decade perfectly. You can see the clothing styles, roller skates, and portable cassette player, but the hairstyle makes it perfect.

Sony – 1980s
Bell and Howell Projector – 1950s
Below, you can see another example of how companies tried promoting products with sex appeal and women’s bodies. The main focus here is Sabrina’s chest. We’re not sure what it has to do with the color slide projector!

Bell and Howell Projector – 1950s
Plymouth – 1940s
One significant difference between ads then and now is the amount of text included in each one. Who has time to read all of that information while they’re glancing at the paper or magazine? It’s mind-boggling!

Plymouth – 1940s
Out Of The Closet Inc – 1970s
While we give credit to the brand for trying to normalize LGBTQ+ in those difficult times, this doll is highly offensive by today’s standards. “Gay Bob” was marketed as the first gay doll for everyone. It seems nice initially, but it’s highly problematic!

Out Of The Closet Inc – 1970s
Radio Shack – 1970s
Radio Shack used to be the one-stop shop to buy the best technological products on the market at the time. However, Best Buy and other large corporations crushed it, causing it to declare bankruptcy multiple times before it went out of business.

Radio Shack – 1970s
McDonald’s – 1970s
At the time (in the ’70s), McDonald’s was probably trying to be inclusive to African Americans. However, an advertisement like that couldn’t fly today because of the many racial stereotypes. It’s just unacceptable!

McDonald’s – 1970s
Larsen Company – 1949
There’s nothing culturally offensive to see here, but it’s very unappealing. Who wants to buy five vegetables in one can?! It’s hard to believe the brand sold any of them, and this idea wouldn’t fly today.

Larsen Company – 1949
Schlitz Beer – 1950s
Here’s another sexist advert from Schlitz Beer. You see a young wife who is upset because she burnt dinner. However, her husband “comforts” her by saying it’s okay because she didn’t burn the beer. How rude!

Schlitz Beer – 1950s
Western Electric – 1950s
It’s interesting to see the type of phone Western Electric thought would be in the future. It wasn’t far off, but the brand still couldn’t think of the cordless phone that early. Is the person who created the ad alive today? What do they think about smartphones?!

Western Electric – 1950s
Martini & Rossi – 1960s
We’re not sure what’s happening in this advert. The brand seems to be comparing the woman in the cage to its products. Maybe a man could trap a woman in the cage after plying her with alcohol? Regardless, it’s not a good ad!

Martini & Rossi – 1960s
Honda – 1970s
It’s unbelievable that an ad like that was ever approved or created. What does Honda mean by “a woman’s car?” We aren’t sure, but then it goes further by saying that women don’t understand them. Overall, it’s based solely on gender and was pretty offensive!

Honda – 1970s
7-Up – 1950s
This type of ad could never run today. The advert for 7-Up shows a baby drinking soda. That’s highly unhealthy and could lead to stomach problems and issues later in life. It’s pretty wild to imagine that soda-makers marketed their beverages to kids!

7-Up – 1950s
Texaco – 1943
Texaco imagined a world where kids had to ask who Hitler was because he was no longer part of their daily lives. At the time, he was committing genocide. It showed solidarity and hope for the future!

Texaco – 1943
Van Heusen – 1950s
Holy moly! Van Heusen employed classist tropes to make its brand seem upper class, and it was a little offensive to tribal men. While it’s nice to dress up, you should never make fun of another culture’s dress code. This would never fly now!

Van Heusen – 1950s
Best Buy – 1999
Who could forget all the craziness at the end of 1999? Everyone worried that computers would stop working because of “Y2K.” Here’s a throwback advert that reminds us of the panic people felt while they tried celebrating the new millennium.

Best Buy – 1999
Panasonic Flip N’ Style Hair Dryer
This ad is absolutely ridiculous. Why on earth did they think it was a good idea to market a hair dryer using an image of a woman without any hair? It just seems like a terrible marketing choice, why not actually showcase the results the product can produce instead?

Panasonic Flip N’ Stlye Hair Dryer
Gillette Safety Razor
Here’s another really bizarre choice: marketing a razor with an ad featuring a baby. Why? Maybe they thought it was a good way to market that their “safety razor” is so safe, you can even use it on a baby? It’s just odd, and we really don’t think that this would make the cut today.

Gillette Safety Razor
Colt Christmas Gift Ad
While there isn’t anything really inherently wrong with this particular ad, it really is a good reflection of how much American society has changed. Since the rise of mass shootings had only become more of an issue as of late, it’s pretty unlikely that a gun company would advertise their products as a nice little Christmas gift for yourself.

Colt Christmas Gift Ad
Love Cosmetics
As seen with the Balenciaga ad scandal, today’s consumers are really not okay with using children in advertisements that are suggestive, no matter how subtle. In this case, this Love Cosmetics ad is not even subtle at all, with a tagline of “innocence is sexier than you think,” this ad would certainly cause a major stir today.

Love Cosmetics
Soda Pop Board of America
Who knew there was even a Soda Pop Board of America at all? Now for the crazy part: this ad was actually recommending that parents “start Cola earlier” in their kids diet. Considering that children do not need to be drinking soda at all, this ad would absolutely never fly today.

Soda Pop Board Of America
Van Heusen “Man’s World”
Van Heusen is back at it again with the problematic ads. In this ad, we see a woman literally on her knees serving her husband breakfast as he lies back soaking it all in. It’s not even clear what this ad is even for besides putting down women.

Van Heusen Man’s World
Philip Morris Born Gentle
Here is yet another example of a shocking advertisement that incorporated babies into an ad for a wildly inappropriate product. Why on earth would you try to sell cigarettes while showing a mother holding her baby?

Philip Morris Born Gentle
Marlboro Baby
Philip Morris wasn’t the only one…you might have heard of the Marlboro Man, but what about the Marlboro Baby? Here was have an ad showing a baby encouraging his mother to light up a Marlboro so she can calm down and maybe not scold him. That’s a great message to everyone, right?

Marlboro Baby
World’s Largest Lemons
This ad is certainly in the running for most sexist advertisement of the bunch. This Quick Way Bar Mix ad includes a silly innuendo where they promise that they use the world’s largest, ripest, and juiciest lemons to make their product, while instead of showcasing said product, instead they chose to use an image of a scantily clad woman. Really mature, guys.

World’s Largest Lemons
Fairy Soap
This horrifying ad would never be allowed to run today, and quite frankly should have never been allowed to run in the first place. This blonde child is asking the black child “why doesn’t your mamma wash you with fairy soap?” insinuating that her color is something “dirty” that needs to be cleaned off. This is absolutely disgusting.

Fairy Soap
Hamlin’s Wizard Oil
Although there has been a resurgence of misinformation relating to essential oils being used instead of approved medications, this is certainly nothing new. As we can see in this ad for Hamlin’s Wizard Oil, it was purported to cure rheumatism as well as a litany of other ailments. We doubt that this Wizard Oil did anything except make the company rich.

Hamlin’s Wizard Oil
Chase & Sanborn Coffee
This gross ad is promoting domestic violence, and is frankly pretty shocking to see today. Chase & Sanborn Coffee thought it would be a good idea to show a man spanking his wife for “not store-testing for fresher coffee,” and getting stale coffee instead.

Chase & Sanborn Coffee
Charles Antell Formula 9 and Shampoo
This ad is shockingly intense for no good reason. It shows a woman holding a gun to her head, while there’s a noose around her neck, and with the other hand holding a bottle of poison. Why? Because she says that if her hairs looks bad one more time, she’ll kill herself. It’s a pretty sick use of downplaying suicide to try to sell a product.

Charles Antell Formula 9 And Shampoo
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic was a fever remedy made from quinine in a syrup, which meant that it was not actually tasteless at all, and many even said it was pretty nasty as well. This ad is quite bizarre as well, it’s unclear why they would superimpose a child’s head onto the body of a pig, why would that sell more of this product?

Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic
Keep Her Where She Belongs
This ad was a fail on multiple accounts, but first and foremost because we have no idea what the product is (is it the shoe?) and what company it was for. The other shocking aspect of this ad is the fact that it insinuates that a woman should be kept “where she belongs,” which is apparently on the floor with a shoe.

Keep Her Where She Belongs
Mattel M-16 Marauder
It’s pretty crazy to see this advertisement from the company that we all associate with Barbie dolls. However, the company decided to try to market to young boys with the toy M-16 Marauder rifle. Once again, due to the very real mass shooting crisis in America, this ad would never cut it these days.

Mattel M 16 Marauder
Hoover Vacuum Cleaner
This Hoover ad is truly sad, as it implies that a housewife will be “happier” with a Hoover vacuum cleaner rather than a gift that is actually for her to enjoy. No no, why not just get her a cleaning appliance so she can keep on cleaning the house?

Hoover Vacuum Cleaner
Code Breaker
This ad is for a cheating device called Code Breaker, and it was mainly used for video games for PlayStation and PlayStation 2. This ad not only encourages cheating on your spouse, it really trivializes women and uses sexism in the worst way to promote their product.
Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter
Once again, we see a truly absurd ad that is not even clear what they’re trying to advertise. What is clear is that they are posing the question “is it always illegal to kill a woman?” which completely downplays and trivializes violence against women, which is absolutely never okay.

Pitney Bowes Postage Meter
Diamond Dyes
We see what Diamond Dyes was trying to do in this ad, but we must say it’s pretty macabre for a run of the mill ad for dye products. This ad would be more appropriate for a horror film rather than for a dye.

Diamond Dyes