Something Strange Happens with Cat’s Kittens, and Vet Points It Out

Published on March 27, 2022
Cats can be quite fantastic. Those furry companions come up with all sorts of fun and surprises. One cat ended up shocking her owner and the entire team of zookeepers once she gave birth!

Musya was just feeding her kittens, but it came with a surprise that no one saw coming. This kitty was a beloved resident of the Sadgorod Zoo. At only 1 year old, she was considered unusual. However, she then became pregnant, and everyone wanted her to stay healthy during that time. She surprised everyone after giving birth. What happened that could have baffled the entire crew and all the veterinarians?

The Missing Cat

Musya liked to wander around the zoo, but she couldn’t be alone while doing it. The zoo employees became nervous when no one had seen her for a few days. This led to a hunt of the grounds to hopefully locate the kitty.

The Missing Cat

The Missing Cat

A Different Animal

A mistake led to Musya becoming a zoo resident. One zookeeper found her while working. Alice, the worker, found the cat in the snow. However, she initially thought it was dirt that had risen to the top because Musya’s fur was black.

A Different Animal

A Different Animal


The Tiny Kitty

After realizing that this black object was indeed a cat, Alice put her in a jacket and went to a veterinarian. Musya was finally in the proper care, so the professionals worked hard to keep this poor kitty alive.

The Tiny Kitty

The Tiny Kitty


Everyone Loved the Cat

Everyone was shocked to see the cat live through the night. She started getting healthier and more powerful. In fact, she crept slowly into each zookeeper’s heart. The staff there loved her so much, but they worried that a zoo wasn’t the best home for her.

Everyone Loved The Cat

Everyone Loved The Cat


Sneaking Away

Alice was responsible for Musya, taking her on walks around the zoo. However, she had to be on a leash because the zoo employees worried she might get into one of the enclosures and suffer injuries or death. This went on for a year or so.

Sneaking Away

Sneaking Away



The cat enjoyed being cared for by the zookeepers for a year. However, she found the chance to sneak away on her own. Everyone panicked when they found out she was missing. Alice started a search of the many enclosures, but they couldn’t locate Musya!




Return Home

Musya did return to the zoo after a few days of being on her own. She told others she was there by pawing at the door. Everyone was so happy to see the cat back safe and sound, but they noticed something strange upon her return.

Return Home

Return Home


Seeing the Change

When Musya returned to the zoo, the zookeepers noticed a change in her. She was now lethargic and cranky all the time, which was odd for her. In fact, Musya used to be playful and sweet, so the behavior difference was astounding!

Seeing The Change

Seeing The Change


Something Isn’t Right

Most of the employees at the zoo felt that a new cat was there instead of Musya. The cat frequently dropped to the floor to sleep for hours at a time. Plus, she wasn’t as energetic and playful as she had been. Everyone worried that something was wrong.

Something Isn't Right

Something Isn’t Right


Gone Missing Again

Alice always went to the staffroom for some tea and cuddles with Musya. However, she entered one day and couldn’t find the cat. She asked everyone in the room if they had seen Musya, but she was missing again!

Gone Missing Again

Gone Missing Again


The Search for Musya

This time, inclement weather made the situation much worse. It was storming in the area, and there were loud rolls of thunder all around. The staff members realized that they had to get Musya under shelter as soon as they could.

The Search For Musya

The Search For Musya


Looking Everywhere

The zoo was very large, so it was a big challenge to try and find the cat. They had to search every enclosure, parking area, and car. In fact, they didn’t think they could locate the poor creature and didn’t believe she might venture away from her home.

Looking Everywhere

Looking Everywhere


Not Alone

Alice searched for her precious cat and heard a noise. This zoo employee walked past a wooded field near the lion’s enclosure, and she finally spotted her feline friend. Musya was in a bush and wasn’t alone; Alice saw something on her chest.

Not Alone

Not Alone


Their Big Surprise

Musya had four kittens with her, and everyone was shocked to see them. However, something else made them gasp as it slipped onto the cat’s chest. Amazingly, this cat had some baby hedgehogs cuddling with her!

Their Big Surprise

Their Big Surprise


Grabbing a Box

One of the employees grabbed a box and put a blanket inside to hold the animals. They all wanted to keep Musya, the kittens, and the hedgehogs safe. Alice picked up each baby one by one and put them carefully inside!

Grabbing A Box

Grabbing A Box


Taking Them to the Vet

Alice felt that it was best to have a vet check out Musya. She took the entire family, including the hedgehogs, with her. The veterinarian hadn’t seen something like that before and wanted to discuss a few things after his exam.

Taking Them To The Vet

Taking Them To The Vet


Undoing the Doc’s Hard Work

The veterinarian separated Musya from the hedgehogs and kittens, and she didn’t like that. When he left her alone, she undid all the hard work and made sure her kittens and hedgehog babies were together. That way, they could feed on her milk.

Undoing The Doc's Hard Work

Undoing The Doc’s Hard Work


Not a Good Idea

Everyone could see by Musya’s behavior that she wanted to be the mom for the hedgehogs and kittens. Alice became fascinated by this phenomenon, but she didn’t think it was the best choice. What if the kittens got hurt from the prickly hedgehogs?!

Not A Good Idea

Not A Good Idea


Another Separation

Alice separated the kittens and hedgehogs again, but the hedgehog babies didn’t like being bottle-fed. Therefore, Alice felt that she shouldn’t keep them all apart. Still, it was a puzzling scenario because no one knew where these hedgehogs came from!

Another Separation

Another Separation


The Accident

Finally, Alice realized why the hedgehogs weren’t with their mother. She remembered a lawnmower accident that took a hedgehog’s life. From there, she realized that these hedgehogs were alone for a while until Musya rescued them!

The Accident

The Accident


Raising Some Hedgehogs

Nobody could tell when Musya started being the hedgehogs’ mother. Was it before or after she birthed her own kittens? Regardless, she adopted them and treated them like her own. The zoo staff created an enclosure for this odd little family.

Raising Some Hedgehogs

Raising Some Hedgehogs


A Viral Story

This was an extremely peculiar story that went viral immediately when it was shared online. Everyone enjoyed seeing the cute images of this odd family. In fact, they believed Musya was a gentle soul for taking in the hedgehogs.

A Viral Story

A Viral Story


The Happy Family

The odd family’s life continued after their story went viral. The hedgehogs grew up, but that didn’t stop Musya from watching out for them with her mothering nature. She goes over to their enclosure each day to ensure that they’re okay.

The Happy Family

The Happy Family


Not the Only One

While it seems like a chance story that might never happen again, that’s not true. Rosinka was another cat to make headlines. While in Russia, she adopted a squirrel monkey baby. Fyodor was taken home by another zookeeper once his mom rejected it.

Not The Only One

Not The Only One


Bad Reputation

Cats tend to have a bad reputation for being minions. However, it’s a misconception that you can see when you listen to cat-lovers and owners. They always rave about their pets, and it’s clear people should listen to what they’re saying.

Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation


Benefits of Owning a Cat

Studies show that owning a cat could help people lower their risk of heart disease while enhancing their sleep. Plus, cats have a more relaxed personality than other pets. Therefore, you may notice less tension and anxiety in your life.

Benefits Of Owning A Cat

Benefits Of Owning A Cat


A Cat’s Call

Most cartoons show cats in trees that need help when they climb too high. This happens in real life, and most people call the fire department because of its tall ladders. That was the case for a Colorado Springs Fire Department, but they had to save something other than cats.

A Cat's Call

A Cat’s Call


Requiring Animal Rescue Assistance

A call came in about someone requiring animal rescue assistance. The fire department sent a team immediately, knowing that they had to get there fast to save the poor animals. However, they didn’t expect what they found!

Requiring Animal Rescue Assistance

Requiring Animal Rescue Assistance


Unknown Animals

The team arrived on the scene and had no idea what animals they had to help, but this was normal. When they got there, they realized the creatures were stuck in the storm grid. This could get worse if they didn’t act fast!

Unknown Animals

Unknown Animals


The Storm Grid

This storm grid wasn’t deep, so the team saw the animals. They were quite small but couldn’t escape themselves. Therefore, the firefighters got ready for the rescue, planning to send a couple of men in to get them.

The Storm Grid

The Storm Grid


Only Babies

The firefighters worked to open the storm grid, so they could climb to the bottom. They heard the animals crying and realized they were all babies. This puzzled them because they wondered how those creatures could get in there.

Only Babies

Only Babies


No Mama

These firefighters were confused because the baby animals were in the storm grid. However, they also realized that their mother wasn’t there. Initially, they feared the creatures were wild, but that wasn’t true. What was happening?!

No Mama

No Mama


A Sticky Situation

The sewer had become overwhelmed with trash, and these animals were now freezing. Plus, they had no food to eat. Everyone was surprised they were alive at that point. The firefighters knew they had to get them out of the storm grid.

A Sticky Situation

A Sticky Situation


Being Abandoned

The team didn’t understand how the creatures could be alive. It was clear their mother had abandoned them, and it broke the firefighters’ hearts. However, they wanted to be extra careful now to give the babies a chance at surviving.

Being Abandoned

Being Abandoned


The First Baby

It took some time for the team to pull out one of the babies, but they finally succeeded. Though it looked malnourished and near-death, the firefighters thought it might make it. However, they were shocked by its tiny size.

The First Baby

The First Baby


Barely Alive

The team tried hard, but they had trouble getting the other baby animals out of the storm grid alive. The first one was lying on a towel so that they could get the others out. However, they were heartbroken to hear the cries soften.

Barely Alive

Barely Alive


A Fox

Overall, the first baby animal pulled out of the storm grid was a fox. It had been suffering for a while, but it already gained some strength once it was free of the storm grid. However, it didn’t look good for its furry friends.

A Fox

A Fox


Needing Help

The firefighters were working hard to rescue the other babies, so the tiny fox was left alone. However, a friendly dog came over, seeing the fox. Gina was the dog’s name, and she was known to roam the streets of the town.

Needing Help

Needing Help


Gina to the Rescue

Gina always came to help other animals, and that’s just what she did for the baby fox on the towel. Before anyone realized what she was doing, she cuddled up with the fox to keep it warm.

Gina To The Rescue

Gina To The Rescue


The Happy Ending

This baby fox grew up strong and healthy once it was pulled from the storm grid. Since then, Gina and her family adopted it and called her Bambi. They all live together, and Gina acts like Bambi’s mother!

The Happy Ending

The Happy Ending