These Sports Photos Were Snapped Just In Time

Published on January 12, 2022
Who doesn’t love watching sports on a lazy Sunday afternoon? There’s nothing like a good sporting event to watch, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll witness a crazy moment captured just at the right moment!

Wrong Sport!

While this baseball player’s handstand is quite impressive, maybe somebody should remind him that this isn’t a gymnastics performance. Otherwise, we’re sure the judges would give him a 10/10!

Wrong Sport!

Wrong Sport!

Been There, Done That

It appears that this pole vaulter is soon heading into retirement, judging by the very bored look on her face. She’s leapt up one too many times, and we’re willing to bet that she’s already thinking of what her next career-move will be.

Been There, Done That

Been There, Done That


The Baseball Exorcist

No, your eyes do not deceive you. Yes, this poor football player’s head is definitely not in its correct position. When you talk about someone who is truly dedicated to his craft, you can always count on player number 82.

The Baseball Exorcist

The Baseball Exorcist


Ballet Baller

Sometimes we tend to dream of doing something completely different from our current job. This New York Knicks player seems to dream of a life on stage, with pointe shoes instead of sneakers, and tights instead of basketball shorts. Keep on dancing, man!

Ballet Baller

Ballet Baller


A Fish Out Of Water

Sometimes, we become so dedicated to our jobs, that they seem to take over our entire lives. This was definitely the case with this diver, who seemed to embody the spirit of a fish in her quest to become one with the water. She hoped that this could help her become the best diver there ever was.

A Fish Out Of Water

A Fish Out Of Water


No Shoes? No Problem

Speaking of dedicated, this runner from Ethiopia is absolutely not letting anything get in the way of her victory. Lost a shoe? No worries, she can still keep going. We just hope that there are no sharp objects on the track, otherwise her running days may be behind her.

No Shoes? No Problem

No Shoes? No Problem


Did You See That?

Oh, the horror! We wonder just what is so terrifying that it is scaring both of these otherwise tough and manly soccer players. Even though soccer players have a reputation for being a bit dramatic, we’re sensing that this is genuine fright on their faces.

Did You See That?

Did You See That?



Welcome to the exciting world of the rodeo! Here, not only do the riders ride the bulls, but they also show off their gymnastics skills by performing some backflips! We’ll be really impressed if he can land this flip directly onto the bull. Do you think he can do it?




The Thinking Man

While it is important to sit and analyze what your team’s strengths and weaknesses are, perhaps the right time to do so is not while someone is trapped underneath you. But hey, that’s only a suggestion — what do we know?

The Thinking Man

The Thinking Man


That’s ‘Your Majesty’ To You

We know that a lot of referees out there tend to have big egos. However, this ref seems to have taken it to the next level by demanding to get the royal treatment. It doesn’t look like the other refs are too pleased about this situation, though.

That's 'Your Majesty' To You

That’s ‘Your Majesty’ To You


This Ref Doesn’t Mess Around

We all know that rugby can be quite a rough game, but usually you expect aggression from the opposing team only. However, this team seemed to have mess with the wrong ref, and he’s about to show them who’s boss. Run away before it’s too late, lads!

This Ref Doesn't Mess Around

This Ref Doesn’t Mess Around


The Human Flag

The Human Flag is quite an impressive feat of strength, involving propping yourself up sideways, like a flag. This guy is doubly impressive, as he is showing off his Human Flag ability while he’s playing baseball professionally. This guy is really winning life.

The Human Flag

The Human Flag



Last minute wins are truly the most exciting wins to watch. This wrestler was pinned down, seemingly down for good, when at the last second, he managed to prop himself up and pop out out of nowhere, securing an unlikely win.




Just Hangin’ Out

You know when you’re performing a backflip on your motorcycle, and you decide to let go of the handlebars, just for fun? No? Well, this guy has decided to show you that hanging out upside down mid-air isn’t a terrible idea…

Just Hangin' Out

Just Hangin’ Out


I’ve Totally Got This

Talk about dedication! This woman agreed to fill in last minute, since the team’s usual goalie was out with a cold. Did she let her lack of experience get in the way? Absolutely not! Look at that determined look on her face. We’re sure she led the team to a win.

I've Totally Got This

I’ve Totally Got This


All In One

Teamwork is truly the answer to success when participating in a group sport. Performing as one really helps keep everything fluid, but this ice skating pair seemed to have take it to the next level. It’s unclear who’s body is who’s in this dramatic pose. We hope the judges gave them a 10!

All In One

All In One


Now You See Me

This adorable couple might look like your average teenagers at first glance — but look again! It seems as though our football hero and his girlfriend are levitating in thin air! Either that, or his football training is really paying off and he’s holding her up with just one arm!

Now You See Me

Now You See Me


Get Your Head In The Game, Literally

Football is a notoriously dangerous sport, which is why so much gear is worn as a protective measure. The helmet is the most important part, but this player is so dedicated that even though his helmet has fallen off, he’s still going for that touchdown.

Get Your Head In The Game, Literally

Get Your Head In The Game, Literally


Not Breaking A Sweat

Usain Bolt is the best runner in the world, and he certainly knows it. The Jamaican running sensation is so good, he lets his confidence show even while he’s in the middle of a competition. Here, he’s telling his fellow runner to forget about the gold medal he’s been hoping for.

Not Breaking A Sweat

Not Breaking A Sweat


Losing Her Head

This rhythmic gymnastics performer has been dedicating years to this performance, and the pressure has really gotten to her. It seems as though she has ignored the advice her coach has given her to “not lose her head” over the competition.

Losing Her Head

Losing Her Head


Rain Or Shine

Soccer is the type of game that can be played in all sorts of weather: blistering heat, pouring rain…it takes a lot for a game to be cancelled. This player was made fully aware of how wet the field was as the ball collided with his head, adding wetness (and insult) to injury.

Rain Or Shine

Rain Or Shine


Facing His Fears

Sometimes the best way to overcome your fear is to face it completely head on. This Milwaukee player has been spending years trying to rid himself of his fear of basketballs heading in his direction. We’re not sure his plan is going too well, but we wish him luck in this endeavor.

Facing His Fears

Facing His Fears


Top Notch Synchronization

These two synchronized swimmers have spent every spare second they had perfecting their routine down to the very last detail. Yes, they even rehearsed coordinating identical grimaces and planned out their ponytail lengths to match perfectly. Talk about dedication!

Top Notch Synchronization

Top Notch Synchronization


Up For Grabs

These basketball players are the most generous basketball players we’ve ever seen! Rather than fighting over the ball, it looks like they’re letting it up in the air, completely up for grabs. This must have been the friendliest game of basketball the world has ever seen.

Up For Grabs

Up For Grabs


Who Will Win?

There are so many contenders in this photo who are dying to catch the game ball, we’re not sure who to root for exactly. It seems as though the blonde woman is most likely to catch it, and her excitement certainly shows. Sometimes the crowd is more interesting than the players themselves!

Who Will Win?

Who Will Win?


Vishnu, Is That You?

Upon first glance, you may be a little confused and wonder why the Hindu god Vishnu, who is blue and boats four arms, has decided to take up soccer. But upon further inspection, you’ll see that the player up front is simply doing a great job covering the player behind him. No deity sightings today!

Vishnu, Is That You?

Vishnu, Is That You?


Hold Me Closer

Some people become very close with their teammates, as we can see the players on the right have become best of friends and are celebrating their win. However, the goalie seems to have become one with his best teammate, the goal post itself.

Hold Me Closer

Hold Me Closer


The Headless Hockey Player

This image is either straight out of a horror film or taken from a really convincing magic show. Either way, the whole crowd has been left wondering just where this Norwegian hockey player’s head has disappeared off to. We hope he finds it soon!

The Headless Hockey Player

The Headless Hockey Player


Over And Out

This New York Yankee has simply had enough. While he is a member of the winningest baseball team in the entirety of the Major League Baseball organization, he simply does not care. He’s frustrated, he’s had enough, and he wants out! Hopefully he’ll be in a better mood by next game.

Over And Out

Over And Out


Nature Calls

Hey, we’ve all been there. When nature calls, nature calls. Whether we’re at home relaxing or in the middle of a bike racing competition, the body does not care. This cyclist decided that nothing will get in the way of winning, and decided to multitask his way to victory.

Nature Calls

Nature Calls


Perfectly In Sync

We’re starting to think that synchronized swimmers are some of the most dedicated performers to their craft. These women’s outfits are perfectly matched, their hair styled in the same exact way. They have even coordinated the way the spit out the pool water they’ve accidentally inhaled!

Perfectly In Sync

Perfectly In Sync


Defying Gravity

This player took the phrase “put some elbow grease in” maybe a little too literally. Heck, after this insane pitch, he may not have an elbow anymore at all! We hope that this extremely painful-looking move at least got his team a win.

Defying Gravity

Defying Gravity


Practicing Yoga

This soccer player wanted to show off her headstand skills along with her soccer skills. While incorporating yoga into your fitness routine has many benefits, which include increased flexibility, perhaps incorporating yoga directly into your sport isn’t the right time to do so.

Practicing Yoga

Practicing Yoga


Right Out Of The Matrix

These basketball players may be on opposing teams, but they have one important thing in common. They are huge fans of the movie The Matrix, and they’re not afraid to show it! Here they’ve decided to reenact the most famous scene of the movie.

Right Out Of The Matrix

Right Out Of The Matrix


Become One With Your Sport

Sometimes, the best way to master your craft is to dedicate your entire being to it. This swimmer has decided to take that advice to heart, and has become one with the pool, morphing into a mysterious water creature. We wonder if this helped him win the swim meet.

Become One With Your Sport

Become One With Your Sport


He Shoots, He Scores

This statue was tired of seeing people always playing basketball in front of him without being invited to play, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He decided to show everyone his talent, and threw a perfect three pointer shot.

He Shoots, He Scores

He Shoots, He Scores


Planking Champion

Here we see another athlete who has decided to show off his skills outside of his sport in the middle of the game. Not only is he saving the ball from going out of bounds, this limber basketball player is also showing off his perfect planking abilities. Talk about talent!

Planking Champion

Planking Champion


Heading Out

This jockey has decided mid-race that this simply isn’t the life for him anymore. He bid his horse farewell, and decided to head out right in the middle of the biggest race of his life. We hope he had a smooth landing at least!

Heading Out

Heading Out


Super Stretch

This ice skater has spent endless hours perfecting this move. She’s taken ballet lessons and yoga classes in order to reach this level of flexibility. Here in the moment of truth, she seemed to prove that practice really does make perfect.

Super Stretch

Super Stretch


Optical Illusion Or Not?

At first glance, it looks like this could be a combination of three separate photos taken and put together. But then after a closer look, you see that there are actually eight different judges witnessing this gymnast’s perfect routine.

Optical Illusion Or Not?

Optical Illusion Or Not?


Swamp Monster Or A Weightlifter?

It’s quite unclear how this weightlifter’s hair managed to tangle itself around her face like that but here we are. She was obviously exerting all of her strength into lifting that bar that she paid no attention to her hair.

Swamp Monster Or A Weightlifter?

Swamp Monster Or A Weightlifter?


Best Seats In The House

Could you imagine watching your favorite surfer do his thing from right inside the wave? This photo was captured in such a way that it looks like the man in the water is happily sitting and watching his surfing role model.

Best Seats In The House

Best Seats In The House


A Pain Like You’ve Never Felt

The look on this soccer players’ face shows that he’s basically seeing his life flash before his eyes. A surprise kick like that is enough to make even a grown man cry. He even looks like he’s about to pass out.

A Pain Like You’ve Never Felt

A Pain Like You’ve Never Felt


And Your Punishment Is?

Cricket is a confusing sport as it is for most Americans. This photo takes their confusion to another level though. What? Do the players smack each other with bats? No, it can’t be! Well, that’s what it looks like.

And Your Punishment Is?

And Your Punishment Is?


You’re Not Going Anywhere Buddy

This is one perfectly timed photo on the soccer field. Either the player in the white shirt was trying to soften the one in the red’s landing. Or he was hoping that by holding on for dear life he’ll fall harder.

You’re Not Going Anywhere Buddy

You’re Not Going Anywhere Buddy


Who Put An Electrical Wire In The Water?

As part of their training, synchronized swimmers have to make sure that their facial expressions are all the same. Here it looks like someone put a live electrical wire into the water and electrocuted them all, from the look of their identical expressions.

Who Put An Electrical Wire In The Water?

Who Put An Electrical Wire In The Water?


You Wanted Court Side Seats, Honey

Court side seats are said to be the best seats in the house at a basketball game. These people certainly got more than what they paid for. Not only were they seated in front of the action, but they also became part of the action.

You Wanted Court Side Seats Honey

You Wanted Court Side Seats Honey


You Want That Ball?

This spectator was clearly not a fan of the Chicago White Sox and in particular, Scott Podsednik. This hardcore fan had to make sure his team won, so he did what he had to, to stop Scott from catching that ball.

You Want That Ball?

You Want That Ball?


The Moustache Bandit

The photographer couldn’t have caught this snapshot at a better time. WWE is known to have flashy wrestlers trying to prove their macho status. Well, this guy takes the cake with that mustache tattoo, which actually suits his mean persona.

The Moustache Bandit

The Moustache Bandit


What Is It?

Have you ever had something crawling into your ear or hair? Looks like the guy in the blue saw something crawl inside his fellow soccer player’s body. It’s unclear what it was or where it went, but we hope he got it out.

What Is It?

What Is It?


Wrong Place, Wrong Time

The basketball player in the blue had no idea that he’d be licking his competitor’s armpit when he was prepping for the game that day. This is a clear case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Wrong Place, Wrong Time


Little League, Big Pain

This little guy saw stars today at Little League as a curveball hit him straight in that sensitive spot. The coach is always saying keep your eyes on the ball at all times. I think he’s going to listen from now on.

Little League, Big Pain

Little League, Big Pain


Can I Have This Dance?

Just when you thought you’d seen all the wrestling moves possible, these wrestlers don’t look like they’re competing, but like they’re enjoying an intimate dance together. Who knew you could dance the twist-and-waltz in the middle of a match?

Can I Have This Dance?

Can I Have This Dance?


Reenacting A Classic Movie Scene

The scene where Johnny picks Baby up in Dirty Dancing has been a classic and unforgettable dance scene. It looks like these wrestlers loved that movie so much that they were trying to reenact it. Did they nail it?

Reenacting A Classic Movie Scene

Reenacting A Classic Movie Scene


Let’s Play Some Ping Pong

Isn’t the aim of ping pong to hit the ball to your opponent so he can hit it with his racket? Looks like this guy didn’t get the memo and thought he had to try to get the ball into his opponent’s mouth.

Let’s Play Some Ping Pong

Let’s Play Some Ping Pong


Did You Say Come Watch Me Skate Or Ride?

Not quite sure if this guy knows that he’s supposed to be sitting on his bike in order to ride it and win the race. Maybe he just thought he’d throw in a few of his skateboarding tricks to please the spectators?

Did You Say Come Watch Me Skate Or Ride?

Did You Say Come Watch Me Skate Or Ride?


Let Me Get That For You

Basketball is a physical sport because the players are all up in each others’ space all the time trying to get the ball. James Posey took getting into his opponent’s space a little too far when he decided to pick his nose for him.

Let Me Get That For You

Let Me Get That For You


Is That A Mermaid In The Pool?

Talk about taking a perfect action shot. The way this photo was taken, it looks like the one girl’s torso and the other girl’s legs belong to the same girl. And by the pose, she could even pass as a mermaid.

Is That A Mermaid In The Pool?

Is That A Mermaid In The Pool?


Is It Lunchtime Yet?

The wrestler in the red just cannot wait any longer. His hunger has driven him to eat whatever is at hand. Excuse the pun, but it seems that his opponent’s hand is just it. Next time he should eat before a match.

Is It Lunchtime Yet?

Is It Lunchtime Yet?