The Perks and Salaries of Every Military Rank in the US

Published on June 2, 2022

The US military has six different branches and roughly 2.4 million people within. Some are on active duty, but others are part of the reserves. Overall, these heroes hope to serve their country and are there because of the many great perks they receive, along with a decent salary.

It’s a full-time job, and people are often away from their families for long periods. The sum a person makes while in the military is based on rank. Therefore, entry-level cadets earn less than majors in the Army. Here are the benefits and salaries for those who proudly serve in the military:

Midshipmen and Cadets

Cadets and midshipmen come from one of five academies and are students. Therefore, they get paid less, though that monthly allotment is higher than traditional college students get. They receive $1,186 per month ($14,232 annually).

Midshipmen And Cadets

Midshipmen And Cadets


E-1s are considered the lowest enlisted service ranks and are called Seaman Recruits (Navy or Coast Guard), Privates (Army and Marines), and Airman Basics in the Air Force or Space Force. These people receive $1,650 per month, even if they haven’t been on active duty for four or more months.

