Not A Fairytale Childhood: The Many Rules Royal Children Must Follow

Published on May 30, 2023

Shorts As Status

It might sound odd but there’s a tradition in the royal family for the boys to wear shorts until they are 8 years old. Only then are they allowed to begin to wear trousers. This rule is a historic one, and is said to signify their status, as it is considered to be middle class for young boys to wear trousers, that are meant for older boys. We wonder how they manage during the winter months.

Shorts As Status (Samir HUssein:WireImage:Getty Images)

Shorts As Status (Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images)

Restricted Diets

As previously mentioned, the royal children are given healthy diets throughout their lives. While they are allowed treats every once in a while, there’s one thin that they will never be given, and that is shellfish. The reason for this is to avoid any complications with bacteria and food poisoning. Better safe than sorry!

Restricted Diets

Restricted Diets