Not A Fairytale Childhood: The Many Rules Royal Children Must Follow

Published on May 30, 2023

License To Drive

Did you know that the Queen was at a time the only person in the UK who was allowed to drive without a driver’s license? However, royal children do have to learn how to drive and take a test in order to get a driver’s license. This is one rule they’re not exempt from due to being royal.

License To Drive (Hulton Archive:Central Press:Getty Images)

License To Drive (Hulton Archive/Central Press/Getty Images)

Expensive Education

Royal children are sent to top private schools, which each cost a pretty penny. Royal children were once educated by private tutors, but beginning with Prince Charles, royal children began attending private schools. Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis all attend a private school, all of which have a high level of security.

Expensive Education (Richard Pohle:WPA Pool:Getty Images)

Expensive Education (Richard Pohle/WPA Pool/Getty Images)