Octomom: Where Nadya Suleman Is Today

Published on July 3, 2022

Who remembers Nadya Suleman? Most of us think of her as “Octomom” because she became popular when she found out she was pregnant and having eight children at once. The infamous nickname stuck around for sure.

However, eyebrows were raised over the methods the doctors used to help her get pregnant. This also spurred the media sensation over the woman. Many people were critical of her, but others were obsessed fans. America just couldn’t get enough of Octomom and had to hear her story over and over. Plus, everyone wanted to be part of the process. Still, where is she now?!

Big Dream

Nadya Suleman wished for a large family. She grew up as an only child, so she craved the many connections and people in her life. However, she couldn’t know how that dream might turn her life upside down and change everything!

Big Dream

Big Dream

Her Journey to Motherhood

Nadya started her motherhood journey early in life. Right after she graduated high school, she became interested. However, she was still single at the time. This didn’t stop her, and she went ahead with her plan.

Her Journey to Motherhood

Her Journey to Motherhood