Shocking And Hilarious News Anchor Moments Caught Live On Air

Published on January 12, 2022

Don’t Wear Green

Meteorologists stand in front of a green screen to present the weather so you’d think they’d know not to wear that color. Liberte Chan must have forgotten and as she began presenting the weather her body disappeared, being replaced by the map behind. Only after catching a glimpse of herself did she see her error.

Don’t Wear Green

Don’t Wear Green

Don’t Look Up

This reporter was sent to report on a bird infestation, and things got pretty messy. Firstly one of the nesting birds above sent some droppings on this guy’s shoulder, but the attack didn’t stop there. Then, as he looked up to see where it came from another fell, but this time into his mouth. Yuck.

Don’t Look Up

Don’t Look Up