New Discoveries Reveal A Different Side To History Than What We Were Taught

Published on January 28, 2020

Carbonized Bread from 79 A.D. With The Baker’s Stamp

In history, we learn that Pompeii was destroyed in 79 A.D. by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Many artifacts, people, and homes were preserved by a thick blanket of ash. It’s a miracle that a loaf bread survived and it looks astonishing.

Carbonized Bread From 79 A.D. With The Baker’s Stamp

Carbonized Bread From 79 A.D. With The Baker’s Stamp

Buried Remains Of A Thracian Carriage And Its Horses

In the village of Svetari in Bulgaria, Archaeologists discovered the remains of an intact carriage still connected to the complete skeletons of two horses. The carriage still has all four wheels, a boot, and its seat. This is an unusually well-preserved find.

Buried Remains Of A Thracian Carriage And Its Horses

Buried Remains Of A Thracian Carriage And Its Horses