New Discoveries Reveal A Different Side To History Than What We Were Taught

Published on January 28, 2020

History books teach about ancient civilizations, different cultures, and important global events. Are we being taught the full story? There have been new discoveries that show a different side. Let’s have a look as layers are peeled off to reveal a little more.

2,000-Year-Old Serpentine Stone Mask

This mask was found in 2011 at the base of the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico. It is believed that 2,000 years ago this mask was placed as an offering to the gods. Archaeologists also found pieces of obsidian and pottery.

2,000 Year Old Serpentine Stone Mask

2,000 Year Old Serpentine Stone Mask

Ottoman Supply Train From World War I

T.E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia was a brave soldier during World War I. He served in the Middle East in 1917. That’s where he and his troops destroyed trains and railroads that served the Ottoman supply.

Ottoman Supply Train From World War I

Ottoman Supply Train From World War I