Maps Of America That Will Make You See Things Differently

Published on November 16, 2020

Red And Orange Sections Have Equal Populations

The way population in the United States works is truly fascinating. For some reason, people tend to gravitate towards the coasts, both east and west, and cram into small areas that are highly populated. Here we can see that the small orange slivers on the coasts’ populations are equal to the population of the entire area marked in red.

Red And Orange Sections Have Equal Populations

Red And Orange Sections Have Equal Populations

United States Vs. Australia Size

In the United States, we don’t tend to think about other countries very often outside the context of vacation. Who really thinks about how large Australia is? These maps that superimpose the US on top of Australia show just how massive Australia is. The two are relatively similar in size.

United States Vs. Australia Size

United States Vs. Australia Size