Quiet Life
Erikas Plucas lives on a farm in the beautiful, tranquil countryside of Lithuania. He hates the hustle and bustle of city life. He was content with his lifestyle on the farm, so imagine his surprise when something happened that disrupted this quiet life that he led.

Quiet Life
A Visitor
It was like any other day when Plucas made his way back home. However, as he approached the front gate of his home, he noticed that something was not quite right. He found a young moose lying down near the entrance of his house! It was true that the surrounding area had a significant moose population, but Plucas’s instinct told him that something was not right. Cautiously, he came closer to the creature.

A Visitor
Practicing Caution
As he approached, he was suddenly hit with the realization that it was likely that the mother was nearby. He knew that when a baby animal is perceived to be in danger, the mother can act violently and inflict serious harm. He first looked around to check if the moose’s mother was in the vicinity but he ultimately realized that the young moose was by itself.

Practicing Caution
Assessing The Situation
Plucas was not familiar with moose, but it did not take a genius to figure out that the animal was very young. He estimated that the calf was around two weeks old or even less. The baby moose appeared to be in distress and from that alone, Plucas was able to speculate about the nature of the events.

Assessing The Situation
Hiding From Hunters
It was highly likely that a hunter killed the moose mother and the calf ran off in fear. Somehow, the animal ended up on Plucas’s property and must have been exhausted from running. However, Plucas noticed that it also received some injury. In an interview with The Dodo, he said, “The first sight of her was heartbreaking”.

Hiding From Hunters
Still In Danger
Now that the calf was all alone, Plucas decided to do something about it. The animal was hurt, scared, and also vulnerable. He made the bold decision to take care of the moose before she was found by any predator in the wild. Before we find out about the steps that followed, let us first take a look at another spectacular Lithuanian man.

Still In Danger
Something Odd
Darius Sasnauskus is a lot like Erikas Plucas in some ways. He is also a Lithuania native and he found something unexpected in the wilderness. These two men are both nature-lovers who had stories that had a lot of similarities to one another. Sasnausksas resides near Yellowstone National Park, so he is no stranger to various forms of wildlife. One day, he saw something bizarre while he was watching some deer.

Something Odd
Nature’s Cruel Reality
While observing the majestic creatures, Sasnauskus suddenly noticed that a single fawn had fallen behind the others, and then he noticed something disturbing. The little animal was covered in blood. Sasnauskus couldn’t help but continue watching, and he became very concerned.

Natures Cruel Reality
It was obvious that the animal was a newborn, but its front leg seems to be messed up. That’s why it was trailing behind the other deer. Ultimately, he was unable to catch up with the herd. He was unable to look away and leave the baby deer on its own! Not to mention the fact that there were other things to take into consideration…

Special Circumstances
Sasnauskas came to the realization that looking away meant leaving the fawn to die. It had a very slim chance of surviving with its injured leg and the possible predators lurking nearby. He posted a video and the caption said, “I do not support keeping wild animals as…pets. But this was [a] special situation.”

Special Circumstances
Fast Friends
He decided to take care of the young deer. He first brought her to his home so that he can treat her limb. To his surprise, the fawn did not take long before it could adjust to his home! It even got along well with his pet cat and dogs, who were understandably confused in the beginning. Now let us take a look at how the poor moose is coping.

Fast Friends
Rescuing Her
When it comes to Plucas and his newfound moose, the animal was neither fine nor hygienic. However, nothing would stop Plucas from trusting the instinct that told him to rescue the moose. “She was starved, dirty, sad, and her fur was infested with flies,” Plucas elaborated.

Rescuing Her
Acting Fast
He acted quickly and scooped up the animal so that he can take her home. He had no time to think too much about what he was doing. Plucas acted only using his intuition and heart so the decision was made on the spot. For now, he just wanted to keep the moose safe.

Acting Fast
Some Friends
Plucas was not entirely sure what the next step should be. He decided to contact some of his friends to ask for their opinion. Let’s just say that he had not been expecting the feedback that they gave him.

Some Friends
Harsh Responses
His friends did not support his decision to take care of the animal! “It is illegal, you should not do it. Let nature take care of it,” one of them told him. While he had not been expecting the negative reactions, there were other things he had to take care of.

Harsh Responses
No Immediate Help
He looked up the number of animal services and called them up. He waited until someone answered his call, but they told him that they could not send over professionals to the area until the following day. What did that mean? It meant that Plucas was in charge of the young moose for the meantime. The responsibility terrified him.

No Immediate Help
Making A Plan
He did not have any idea where to even begin, but he decided that it would not hurt to gather food for the calf. Plucas prepared milk and leaves for the calf to eat and created a makeshift habitat before Animal Services could come the following day. However, he could not have anticipated what came next. The same rang true for Sasnauskas and the fawn he was caring for.

Making A Plan
Tough Adjustment
The fawn got along with the other animals in Sasnauskas’ home, but it was still weak and hungry. She required immediate attention since she was still so young. It’s not that different from puppies and kitties— newborns are still having a hard time coping with the environment. Aside from food, the baby deer also required some TLC!

Tough Adjustment
Welcoming The Guest
Sasnauskas made sure to check up on the fawn after every few hours. He also kept her company so that she would not feel too scared or alone. His pets also relaxed around the peculiar guest. Everything seemed like it was going well, doesn’t it?

Welcoming The Guest
In the first week that the baby deer was in his home, she slept beside Sasnauskas’s bed. She was curled up on a T-shirt that he arranged as some sort of nest. The fawn became so attached to the specific item and she was unable to sleep without it! Sasnauskas might not have realized it then, but he saved the animal’s life.

Growing Attached
He might have been clueless, but the fawn was able to understand what Sasnauskas did for her. She quickly grew attached to her new family! She followed Sasnauskas all day long, like deer normally do with their own mother. However, she was still in no condition to be left alone so he kept an eye on her.

Growing Attached
Doing Some Research
Sasnauskas was a self-proclaimed animal lover. After all, he has raised several cats and dogs over the years. However, this was the first time he ever had to take care of a deer. He was understandably unsure how to proceed. Sasnauskas decided to conduct research so that he can care for her properly.

Doing Some Research
Thanks Internet
Naturally, he went on the internet to look up the necessary material. He told The Dodo, “I had to do some Internet search and reading to be able to understand how to [raise] a fawn…get up at night to feed her every four hours, and clean her after.”

Thanks Internet
A Sure Miracle
The first thing to do was to address her injured leg. In order to help her locomotor skills, he crafted a special splint using an oatmeal box. She was finally able to walk more easily, though she had to get used to it first. It was also effective in lifting the fawn’s spirits! Aside from the fact that she was finally able to walk around, the bond that she formed with one of the pets was just as heartwarming.

A Sure Miracle
Thanks, But No Thanks
Plucas awaited the following day because he expected Animal Services to arrive and take the moose out of his hands. He was ready to hand over the moose to someone who knows how to care for her. However, more unexpected things happened: Animal Services let him know that they could not do anything for the moose. The advice that they gave him, however, was much worse than that news.

Thanks But No Thanks
Turning To The Hunters
Animal Services actually told Plucas to get in touch with the local hunters so that they could handle the calf! Plucas was no feel and he knew what they were implying. He was afraid that the animal might go to the very people who killed her mother in the first place.

Turning To The Hunters
Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
He also knew that it was technically illegal for him to keep the moose, but handing her to the hunters sounded even worse. He knew the cruel fate that awaited animals when they are given to hunters. Plucas did not want the moose to undergo the same thing it did. Could it be that the moose was growing on Lucas like the fawn was to Sasnauskas?

Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Fighting With Authorities
It was difficult trying to argue with Animal Services, but Plucas wanted the young moose to receive the best care possible. After fighting for the animal, Plucas was given the go signal to keep the moose. Initially, he only wanted to tend to her until she is in good health, but things did not go according to his plan.

Fighting With Authorities
Becoming A Dad
Nursing the animal was only the beginning and soon enough Plucas felt a sense of paternal love for the animal. He decided that it was time to give her a name so he went with “Emma”. Picking a name was quite easy compared to the challenges involved in taking care of her and ensuring that she was comfortable.

Becoming A Dad
Growing Close
It is easy to see why Emma began to feel comfortable around her newfound father. It was not only about safety— she felt a connection with Plucas as well!

Growing Close
Deep Bond
The moment he stepped outside the house, Emma cried out because she wanted him to stay. Similarly, Plucas missed her whenever she was not nearby. It seemed that both Plucas and Sasnauskas were beginning to get attached to the animals they rescued.
Unlikely Friends
It was not only the Lithuanian men who were warming up to the new addition to their home. The fawn had a particularly close friendship with Mack the Bernese Mountain Dog! The dog simply could not stop himself from licking her face. Apparently, his paternal tendencies kicked in and it did not take long before the dog started acting like a foster father to the little deer.

Unlikely Friends
Road to Recovery
Even when it is time to eat, the dog simply could not stop himself. He would like the baby deer clean and keep an eye on her whenever they played outdoors. Mack made sure that the deer did not go too far. After several days, she was finally able to walk in a graceful manner. Things were looking up.

Road To Recovery
The Dilemma
Sasnauskas was truly touched whenever he saw Mack and the fawn together, but he did not want them to become too attached. After all, he was planning on letting her go back into the wilderness. That was where she belonged, right?

The Dilemma
The Plan
He noticed that the fawn’s herd often came back to the area at nighttime. Sasnauskas wanted to let her go back when she fully regains her strength. He wanted her to be able to rejoin her original family. He knew that no one could ever be able to replace her actual mother.

The Plan
Rejoining Her Family
Just before the fawn was able to make a full recovery, Sasnauskas decided that it was time to take her outside at night so that she can see her family. He had hopes that she would be eager to join her true family the moment that she sees them in the wild. However, things were not meant to be that easy, as Sasnauskas would soon find out.

Rejoining Her Family
Sleeping Arrangements
Plucas was having similar difficulties when it came to Emma. The young moose simply felt vulnerable whenever she was away from Plucas. To remedy this, he devised a plan that was not exactly conventional. “She was afraid of everything but me,” Plucas explained.

Sleeping Arrangements
Bedside Company
Plucas even began staying in the barn with the moose instead of leaving her by herself. Sometimes he even did it out in the open so that she will feel safe. However, he knew that it was high time that she adjusts to the environment. This was where his plan came in.
Introducing Her To The Forest
Emma experienced a traumatic event in the forest. That was probably the reason why she was finding it hard to return there. However, Plucas was committed to making her feel safe and secure in her actual habitat. He knew that she would be back there someday. When the two of them first entered the woods together, Emma was nothing short of terrified.

Introducing Her To The Forest
Her Guardian Angel
As he continued to take her through the woods, Emma was finally able to relax in the environment. Plucas made sure to demonstrate to her was what safe and what was not. Soon, she was at ease.

Her Guardian Angel
Almost A Wild Moose Again
It should be noted that Plucas did not only take her to the forest. He even taught her how to look for food so that she would not be scared to eat. Finally, she was learning to act more like any regular moose.

Almost A Wild Moose Again
Emma The Explorer
As Plucas reintroduced her to the forest, Emma was finally feeling confident enough to go without him. Her renewed confidence and Plucas’s constant support gave her the will to explore the surroundings. However, her explorations would turn out to be more than just a simple adventure.

Emma The Explorer
Father Instincts
Emma started disappearing for hours on end, only coming back when it was already dark. However, it was not the same on one particular evening. As per usual, Emma ventured off into the forest but there was something different this time around. The day fell into night and still, Emma had yet to return. Plucas started to worry. Could she have gotten lost, attacked, or hunted down?

Father Instincts
The young fawn was too attached to Sasnauskas and every single time that he tried to release her, she always came running back to him. She made it clear that she was not leaving her savior that easily. Nor will she forget about her foster father Mack!

Trying Again
However, something unusual happened on a particular evening. It must have been around two weeks since Sasnauskas saved the fawn and took her home. He had only taken her outdoors so that she can get used to the wild again. He thought that she would get accustomed to it again if he left her in the forest for a longer period every night. Apparently, he got more than what he expected!

Trying Again
Beautiful Reunion
While the two of them were outside, the fawn was able to see her mother in the bushes of the forest! Sasnauskas was pleasantly surprised to see the baby deer jump up and head for the herd. He was completely overjoyed to see her go into the forest on her own. She was finally able to do venture off without him.

Beautiful Reunion
Successful Rehabilitation
It was a big moment for Sasnauskas. As he watched the fawn go after her mother, he felt a sense of satisfaction. His work there was done! He could not believe that he was actually able to rehabilitate a wild animal inside the comfort of his house. All of this even when he did not believe it was appropriate for a human to take wild animals into domestic spaces.

Successful Rehabilitation
Not The End
The fawn might have bonded with Sasnauskas, but it is still different to see one’s blood relative again. The man felt happy to have witnessed the unforgettable reunion, but he never expected that the feeling of joy would last for the months to come. Let us get back to Plucas and Emma for the meantime.

Not The End
Letting Go
She was fully-grown already, so Plucas knew that Emma could handle herself by then. However, this knowledge did nothing to ease his anxiety. He recounted that period in vivid detail, “I remember those first nights she didn’t come home… Oh, I barely slept. But she grew up, I had to get over it. After all, it was my goal from the very beginning.”

Letting Go
The First Surprise
As Plucas was digesting the fact that Emma would be gone forever, she came back and surprised him. It wasn’t a one-off coincidence either! She made the effort to show up at the home of her savior every single day. He could see that she was no longer a little moose. She was ready to fend for herself already. Whenever she dropped by, Plucas knew to treasure those moments.

The First Surprise
Nurturing Their Bond
The bond their shared would not be relatable for most people. Whenever Emma dropped by to visit Plucas at the farm, the two would play or swim together. Naturally, he always had snacks ready so that she can have something to snack on. It was not a stretch to say that they were best friends. Nothing could ever change that fact.

Nurturing Their Bond
Their Bond
Those who are close to Plucas were confused by the relationship between the two. It’s a good thing that Plucas did not let it affect him. He told The Dodo this: “To me, she is gentle and loving. She is very careful when we are playing, so she would not hurt me.”

Their Bond
Still Looking Out
Emma might be a fully-grown moose now and they might have a special bond, but it is still true that she was perpetually in danger. Adult moose were a favorite amongst hunters, after all, and this fact bothered Plucas a lot. He still had an instinct to protect Emma from the local hunters, so he devised yet another plan. Likewise, Sasnauskas made it a priority to follow through on plans of his own.

Still Looking Out
An Important Message
When he was interviewed by The Dodo, Sasnauskas told them, “I really hoped that she did not get attached to me too much because that would make [it] very hard for her to survive in the wild.” Although others might disagree with him, he did bring up a crucial point.

An Important Message
Chances Of Survival
Sadly, Sasnauskas knew that he and Mack were both ill-equipped to teach her how to keep herself safe. They were never the favorite target of hunters and predators, after all. It is obvious that the sooner the deer can return to the forest, the better her survival chances are. Sasnauskas was well-aware of the fact that her safety is high when she is with her family. However, there was more to come in the story…

Chances Of Survival
Safe Zone
When fall rolled in, the herd usually wandered around the area and remained close to the fence as it was considered a safe zone. When she left, Sasnauskas lowered his expectation since he knew it was likely that he will never see her again. He expected her to grow up and that he might eventually forget about her.

Safe Zone
Unexpected Visitors
He would be proven wrong! Just months after she was released, he was able to spot her in the forest as she leapt at full speed alongside the other members of her family. He was able to feel another wave of satisfaction as he watched the herd go by.

Unexpected Visitors
Internet Sensation
As Sasnauskas attended to the injured deer, he made sure to keep it well-documented. He recorded videos and posted them on the web for the perusal of the general public. People discovered his channel and watched the journey. In fact, he became quite the internet sensation! Everyone loved watching his journey with the baby deer and the rest of his pets. Plucas, on the other hand, could not think about anything other than his plan to make sure that Emma is safe.

Internet Sensation
His Risky Plan
He did not simply give up or leave it to the universe. Plucas actually went to great lengths in order to keep her safe! He got in touch with the local hunters in the area and asked them to join him at his farm so that they can meet Emma. He had no idea how well the meeting would go or what it will do, but he wanted to try anything that would help. “I had some hunters over for them to see her as not just a nice, warm steak with potatoes and vegetables on the table, but as a very intelligent and loving animal,” he narrated.

His Risky Plan
A Surprising Response
The truth was that Plucas did not know what to expect since he only had one image of the hunters the entire time. Their response was, therefore, a complete surprise to him! They all promised that they would not hunt Emma down once they saw that she and Plucas truly had an extraordinary bond. They also learned about the trauma that she had endured as a calf.

A Surprising Response
The surprises did not end there, however! Some of the hunters were so moved by their story that they promised they would completely stop hunting moose. That is quite a heartwarming initiative, don’t you think? However, there were other surprises in store for them.

Emma’s Big Surprise
During one of Emma’s visits, Plucas felt that there was something different about his friend. She appeared to be somewhat bigger than she normally was. It did not take long before Plucas put the pieces together: Emma was pregnant!

Emma’s Big Surprise
A Lesson
The realization finally hit him. He was her savior: he saved her life when she was a newborn and now she was about to have a calf of her own! He also reflected on the affection and joy that she had given him. “I’m her world now and she is mine. Sometimes I wonder: was it me who saved her, or is it the other way around?” he lamented. It was clear that Sasnauskas felt completely overwhelmed by the realization.

A Lesson
Expressing Gratitude
Aside from learning about the importance of wildlife rehabilitation, he was also happy that he had the opportunity to save a life. He also received quite a lot of attention for his selfless act. In one post, he said, “I didn’t expect this story to become so popular. I am sure that any of us with a little bit of a conscience about our existence, with love for the nature and animals would do the same.”

Expressing Gratitude
Lesson For Others
On Sasnauskas’ YouTube account, he posts about the extent of his knowledge about wildlife. For the deer rescue story, he even uploaded a video that showed how he bathed the poor deer!

Lesson For Others
Taking On The Role Of Mother Doe
For the caption of the post, Sasnauskas explained that “until few weeks old, fawn needs help to get cleaned and get help to go to bathroom, and that’s what usually mother doe does, but in this case I had to do it.”

Taking On The Role Of Mother Doe
Feeding Deer
He also documented how he got up in the dead of the night so that he can feed her. He was basically playing the part of the mother deer! If the fawn grew up in the wild, these are some tasks that the doe would be performing.

Feeding Deer
Perfect Fit
As seen in his video, he got up at 2 AM so that she could feed the little fawn. Actually, the first bottle that he used was too large for her, so he went to the pharmacy to pick up a baby bottle. This was a better fit for the fawn! It is good to know that there are people who are as kind and empathic as Plucas and Sasnauskas.

Perfect Fit
Something Strange
If you think finding a fawn or moose pretty distressing, you’re lucky you aren’t Tom Satre, then! He and his family found something really troubling in the Taku Inlet one October day. The waters of Taku Inlet are located just under 10 miles from the Alaskan capital city of Juneau. Satre is the captain of a charter boat, and he was enjoying the weekend with his family when they spotted something in the distance.

Something Strange
In The Distance
Tom Satre was with his sister Sharon Kelly, brother Tim, and daughter Anna. It was a good thing that Anna was looking around with her binoculars as the family was traveling across the water. That was how she saw the thing from afar.

In The Distance
Swimming Herd
They eventually got close enough to figure out what it was. Initially, they thought that it was a group of birds or maybe even some sea lions. Their theories were all wrong! They were able to identify ears… as they approached, they realized that it was actually a herd of deer struggling to stay afloat!

Swimming Herd
In Need Of Assistance
Everyone on the boat was surprised to find four Sitka deer approaching their way. They stilled the boat and the four deer swam nearer and nearer. “They swam right toward the boat…then, they started to circle the boat. They were looking up and looked like they needed help,” Tom Satre recounted the event.

In Need Of Assistance
Freezing Waters
It should go without saying that the deer had to be taken out of the freezing waters. They were in Alaska, after all. Satre once mentioned that these were the most distressed deer he had ever seen in his life. The deer were “foaming at the mouth”, according to him and they were clearly struggling to stay afloat. However, Tom and the others were unsure how they could get the deer onboard the ship.

Freezing Waters
Pulling Them Up
As an outdoorsman, Tom was able to tell that the animals were young because their antlers were not fully developed yet. He devised a plan and created a lasso from a rope. He attached it to their neck and everyone on the boat had to pull up the deer so that they can come on board.

Pulling Them Up
Totally Exhausted
Those poor deer! Wild deer are normally skittish and jumpy in the presence of humans. Not these deer, however, as they climbed the boat without any hesitation. Once aboard, the creatures simply passed out from exhaustion.

Totally Exhausted
“They couldn’t stand up on their own…they couldn’t shake the water off their coats,” Sharon, Tom’s sister, said. “We didn’t want to touch them, but it was clear they were happy to be there. They probably would have crawled on board if they could have.”

Getting Them Home
They headed towards land and the deer soon perked up. It was a good think that the sunlight was keeping them warm. Life seemed to come back to them once again. At last, one of the four deer was finally able to get up. Nonetheless, all of them looked like they were grateful for the rescue.

Getting Them Home
Just A Little Encouragement
Upon docking, one of the deer jumped right onto the dock. He proceeded to go straight into the water, swim to the shore, and dart to the woods. Two other deer followed suit once the family gave them some encouragement to go on. However, the final deer seemed to have a little trouble going after them.

Just A Little Encouragement
One More
“The last one was in real trouble…I think he was the biggest of the four. He couldn’t get the water off him. I massaged him, he was shaking and was very hypothermic, I think,” Tom Satre elaborated.

One More
Bringing Him To Safety
Unfortunately, the fourth deer was unable to move properly by himself. The Satre family decided to place him in a wheelbarrow and they wheeled him off the boat. They gave him ample time to warm up and he eventually regained alertness. The Satres helped him stand and alas, he was able to make his way to the woods to find the rest of his family.

Bringing Him To Safety
What Next?
Riley Woodford of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game took note of the incident. He explained that the deer probably ran away from their predators and ran away into the water. He speculated that they were motivated by the so-called “adolescent dispersal” that is natural among their kind.

What Next?
Woodford went on to explain that deer are “able to ramp up body heat…Like in the winter, they’ll just ramp up their metabolism. A deer could, however, just become completely exhausted.” It is important to note that rescue missions of wild animals should only be attempted during extreme situations. It is normally dangerous for both humans and animals. If possible, leave it to the professionals!

Heart-wrenching Story
Speaking of cold waters and helpless animals, some fisherman looking for a good catch in a freezing Russian lake came across just that. Actually, they came across two struggling bear cubs. With high stakes, it was up to the fishermen whether these cubs would live to see another day. Fair warning…this story is very emotional. It’s full of love but also questions the natural bond between mothers and their babies. Would this mother bear choose herself over her flesh and blood?

Heart-Wrenching Story
Freezing Russian Lake
Now, we need to give some background so you can understand how dire the situation was. First of all, this whole rescue takes place on Lake Vygozero, which is in the northwest part of Russia. Fun fact…temperatures drop to about -4 degrees there! With such low temperatures, this lake becomes a dangerous place for humans and wildlife alike.

Freezing Russian Lake
Life On The Edge
Of course, when a mother bear chose to bring her two cubs across Lake Vygozero it didn’t take a rocket scientist to predict they would face challenges. Mama bear hoped to bring them across the freezing lake, but sometimes, optimism does not suffice.

Life On The Edge
Struggling To Hold On
Surely, you can guess what happened as soon as the bear and her cubs dove into the lake. Yes, she jumped in with her babies, but it wasn’t long before they began struggling. Sadly, the cubs just could not keep up with their mother. They grabbed on for dear life.

Struggling To Hold On
Surprising Twist
Sure, plenty of wildlife fanatics and experts know a number of tales of mothers sacrificing it all to rescue their kin. However, it soon became clear this wasn’t the case for this mother.

Surprising Twist
Strong Current
In all fairness, the harsh conditions made it much harder for the mama bear. Fighting a strong current and freezing lake waters, the mother tried to hold onto the two cubs as best as she could. However, the current came out victorious and pulled the cubs from her. Thus, she left them behind and decided to save herself.

Strong Current
Time Was Running Out
Wait, so what happened to the poor cubs? Although they desperately clung to their mother, they ended up being separated and then abandoned. In the freezing lake water, these cubs struggled to stay above water. They didn’t even know how to swim yet. If they stayed out there much longer, they would be goners.

Time Was Running Out
Life Or Death
It came down to life or death. So, the two attempted to tread water. Just when things were looking bleak, the tides changed for them and a beacon of hope shined down.

Life Or Death
A Stroke Of Luck
Just before the cubs drowned, a boat came out nowhere. The struggling, freezing cubs spotted the boat and began swimming to it. But could they even make it to the boat?

A Stroke Of Luck
Action Needed
It was a boat full of fishermen. They spotted the cubs and sensed the danger of the situation. Clearly, these cubs had barely any energy left. They were almost unable to hold their heads above the water. It was obvious the fisherman needed to act or they would die.

Action Needed
Just One Obstacle
Crucially, the fishermen noticed that the mother bear was actually not so far away. Although she left her cubs to fend for themselves, the fishermen pondered if the mother would come save them. They worried if they tried to help the cubs, the mother bear may attack them. Thus, they hesitated a bit.

Just One Obstacle
Acting Fast
They watched the mother bear until they determined she was a safe distance from them. Then they devised a rescue plan, but not without anxiety. Would they be able to really save them? What do you even do with bear cubs once they were rescued? However, time was running out and it was crucial they act now.

Acting Fast
Capturing It On Film
While all this was going on, one of the guys began recording on a camera. As the cubs approached the boat, he began filming. In only minutes one cub got to the side of the boat. One of the guys reached out to help the struggling cub.

Capturing It On Film
Forming A Plan
Sadly, the boat was too high for the cub to ease his way to safety. Thus, he started to tread. Meanwhile, one fisherman came up with an emergency strategy. He grabbed fishing gear and made a makeshift net, but it failed to reach the cubs.

Forming A Plan
A Mouthful
The cubs would have to save themselves. One of the cubs tried chomping onto the boat’s side to gain traction. It seemed to work for a bit… Luckily, the fisherman got resourceful using not just their net but man power to hoist the cubs on board! A miraculous rescue indeed and they filmed the whole thing!

A Mouthful