If You Find One Of These Items In Your Home, They Might Be Worth A Whole Lot Now

Published on August 15, 2022

Everyone has a box (of ten) of old toys, gadgets, games, and more that are collecting dust. While most people are keeping them for nostalgic and sentimental reasons, some of these vintage items can actually be worth a whole lot of money. It’s worth checking if you’ve got one of these items and see if they’ve increased in value over the years.

Game Boy

The Game Boy first came out in 1989 and became an instant hit all around the world, with kids begging their parents to buy these hand held video game devices. Now you’ll be hard pressed to find them at a store but they can be found on eBay for prices ranging from $750 to even $4000!

Game Boy

Game Boy

Antique Cookie Jar

You might not think about cookie jars when you think about antiques, but some of these can actually be worth quite a lot. On PBS show Antique Roadshow, evaluator Reyne Hirsch confirms that a vintage cookie jar in the shape of a cartoon character can fetch thousands of dollars. A Little Audrey cookie jar was purchased on eBay for $3400 in August 2019.

Antique Cookie Jar

Antique Cookie Jar