It all started when they smelled something strange coming from an apparent vacant house. Though they tried hard to ignore it, they knew something had to be wrong.
What could it have been? Eventually, they had to band together and call the authorities to get the answers they sought. Continue reading to find out what the smell was and why the police got involved.
Where It Came From
Initially, the residents of the neighborhood couldn’t figure out where the smell was from. It was pungent and suffocated the area. Nobody wanted to point the finger, making the situation worse. Finally, they came together and found out it was from an abandoned house, and they had to do something about it.

Where It Came From
Worsening Smell
Who could the neighbors call to solve the problem in the abandoned house? They didn’t want to illegally enter, but they needed to ensure no one was in trouble. Though they could call the cops, they wondered if that was right, and then they found something that stopped them cold.

Grandmother Killed In Mattapan Shooting
Not Vacant
Though most people thought the house was abandoned, people were seen entering and leaving. Who could go into it when it smelled so bad? The smell went away for a bit, so the neighbors forgot all about the issue.

Not Vacant
It Came Back
Just when people thought it was over, the smell came back. They had a meeting to figure out what to do. Overall, the consensus was to call the police and tell them that the smell concerned them. Luckily, the officers knew what it might be.

It Came Back
House Investigation
The police arrived to investigate the house. A few neighbors went with them, but they didn’t know what they might find. Therefore, the cops brought specialists, including a wildlife expert and a medical examiner.

House Investigation
Wildlife Committee
One wildlife committee member, Soary Randrianjafizanaka, was part of the group called in. They often searched for foul smells. As the head of the committee, she wanted to investigate.

Wildlife Committee
The home was located in Toliara, which was on the southwest coast. It’s peaceful and beautiful. Because of the reputation, police couldn’t believe foul play was involved, so they called Randrianjafizanaka in case it was an animal-related problem.

Fair Share
The Environmental Agency has seen its fair share of crazy incidents and has dealt with fierce predators and kittens. Usually, the police call it if they feel animals are part of the investigation.

Fair Share
Arrival at the House
When they arrived at the house, they realized that they couldn’t determine what the smell was. Randrianjafizanaka prepared to enter the home. She’d never smelled anything like this and was curious.

Arrival at the House
Ordinary Appearance
Other than the stench from inside, this house appeared normal. The space was so quiet because everyone wondered how it was abandoned. They checked to see if it was up for sale, but that wasn’t the case.

Ordinary Appearance
Enter into the Unknown
When everyone entered, the smell was strong enough to make them lightheaded. They continued moving deeper and still didn’t know what the source was. Randrianjafizanaka suggested animal waste.

Enter Into The Unknown
Humans or Animals
Randrianjafizanaka was positive that the smell was animal-related. However, she couldn’t tell if people were in the house. By the looks of it, she figured nobody was living in those conditions, but she still wanted concrete answers.

Humans or Animals
A Noise
While going through the house, they heard a noise to make everyone stop. Though it wasn’t loud, everyone’s guard was up now. It turns out that there were people on the property, and they all became shocked to see each other.

A Noise
Digging Holes
When the team saw the others, they were holding shovels and digging holes. They were trying to do it fast and had many objects surrounding them. The team had no idea what to do next!

Digging Holes
Looking Guilty
The police asked what the people were doing, and they started acting strangely. Were the diggers hiding something? Soon, the police came closer, making the people drop their shovels. What was going on, though?!

Looking Guilty
Suspects Arrested
These diggers put up their hands to cooperate, so the police thought they did something wrong. After they arrested the suspects, the cops went inside to see what was going on.

Suspects Arrested
Moving Floor
When they entered the rooms, they saw the interior was destroyed. Things were falling apart, but they didn’t know where the smell came from. Then, the floor started moving!

Moving Floor
Tortoises Everywhere
The whole floor was full of tortoises packed like sardines. There were so many that it appeared they were the floor! Everyone stood in disbelief. However, Randrianjafizanaka understood that they weren’t ordinary tortoises.

Tortoises Everywhere
Rare Species
These tortoises were rare and called radiated tortoises. They’re hardly spotted in the wild, and only a handful call the area home. It now made sense to the group while those people had them.

Rare Species
Victims of Poaching
Because they are rare, they’re often poached. Some people eat them but most like them as pets. Regardless, it’s against the law to keep them. That made it a crime and a heinous one at that!

Victims Of Poaching
In Desperate Need of Help
Immediately, Randrianjafizanaka knew what to do. Those tortoises had to get out of the house and be relocated to a more suitable space. They had been treated poorly, and many of them might die.

In Desperate Need Of Help
Truly Endangered
In the past, the tortoises flourished, but their numbers dropped throughout the years. Now, there are about 3 million in the wild, and 9,000 of them were in that house!

Truly Endangered
Silver Lining
Though the tortoises had been living in poor conditions and were mistreated, the team were able to recovere many of them. The team was hopeful, but not everything was as it seemed here.

Silver Lining
Bad News
Though the team wanted to help these tortoises, most of them might not survive to next week because they were so ill. They were dehydrated, and it was nearly impossible to work on 9,000 tortoises at once.

Bad News
Shocked Neighbors
The neighbors who called the cops were shocked. Though they were surprised about the criminal activity, they wondered how there could be so many tortoises inside. Overall, the story went viral!

Shocked Neighbors
Not Rare for Animal Cruelty
While many people have been arrested and charged with animal cruelty, it happens every day. People become greedy and want money to forget that these are living animals. The pet industry even has its bad side!

Not Rare For Animal Cruelty
What to Do
About 8,000 tortoises survived, but now the team had to figure out what to do with them. Could they go back to the wild? These creatures deserved to be happy and comfortable after what they went through!

What To Do
Safe Place
The tortoises couldn’t go back to the wild because they spent so much time in the house. They could die or get recaptured by poachers. Instead, a team of experts agreed to look after them so that they could relax.

Safe Place
Plans for the Animals
Today, these tortoises have a great life with tons of water, food, and attention. Now, the team wants to get population numbers up, and things are going well.

Plans For The Animals
The Punishment
The people who hoarded the tortoises are criminals and animal abusers. Many wanted them to get the justice they deserved. Overall, the courts sentenced them harshly to send a message to others.

The Punishment
Woman Discovers Something Crazy
An abandoned home is mesmerizing because you get to imagine those who lived there. However, one woman entered a house in Texas and wondered if there was a mystery to it.

Woman Discovers Something Crazy
Entering This Home
When you go into an abandoned house, you’re sure to find trouble. However, the woman and her friend came with two men they didn’t know well, and one of them was on a mission.

Entering This Home
Poor Condition
Immediately, the woman knew that the house had been abandoned because it was in bad condition. The guy who brought them said he wanted to fix it up. Overall, things were a bit odd.

Poor Condition
Raw Meat
Homes that haven’t had humans in them smell a bit weird. However, this house was rancid, and the woman realized it was because of the packages being kept in the garage. It wasn’t dog food; it was raw meat!

Raw Meat
Pet Tiger
As they continued searching, they saw a pet tiger. It was fully grown and quite frightening. However, the cage it was in was small, and it wasn’t clean.

Pet Tiger
Getting the Authorities Involved
This woman knew that it was illegal to own tigers in Houston. When she got away from the group, she called the authorities on the non-emergency line to give an account.

Getting The Authorities Involved
Doubtful Cops
The police believed the woman was hallucinating and wondered if she was on drugs. Still, they had to investigate because a large tiger was a threat to the area. They arrived on the scene and went directly to the garage.

Doubtful Cops
The Tiger
Just like the woman claimed, there was a huge tiger in a cage. They noticed that there was a makeshift lock on it. Clearly, this owner was an amateur. However, the tiger handled the commotion well and almost sensed that it needed their help.

The Tiger
Housing the Beast
The first thing was to figure out where the tiger could live. It needed professional care, so workers started helping this innocent beast. One shelter agreed to house it temporarily.

Housing the Beast
Permanent Home
The tiger couldn’t go back to the wild because of its history. Therefore, they took it to a special sanctuary. Black Beauty Ranch has five acres and has a natural habitat for tigers where it couldn’t hurt other animals. Life is good for this majestic beast now!

Permanent Home