Josh liked to collect plastic, and most people mocked him. This homeless man chose something extremely odd, and others couldn’t fathom the reason. However, he was meticulous and never let their words hurt him. In the end, he was the winner. What could this gentleman gain from his plastic collection? It will shock you to learn, but you must continue reading to find out!
Every Day
Josh Freeman had spent the last few years collecting plastic and knew that he would be rewarded for his hard work. However, he couldn’t have anticipated the hurdles people threw at him. In the end, he made it and remembered those who assisted him!

Every Day
Years Go By
When Josh was 30, he lost his job. For the next 12 years, he searched a specific parking lot, relying on that plastic to get him through hard times. People in that small town weren’t friendly and mocked him, but he persevered.

Years Go By
Come and Go
The owner of the restaurant parking lot he used was nice and allowed Josh to be there, but the other employees were quite rude. He had seen many of them come and go, but they never treated him like a person. He was simply scum, and they told him that!

Come and Go
Often, the girls snickered behind his back. They would laugh loudly at him, but most of the time, it signaled that one had a snide remark to say about his lifestyle or clothing. It was a horrible situation, but Josh endured it.

Not Friendly
Some of the waitresses made no effort whatsoever to hide their disdain for him. They didn’t want him at their workplace, and most of them spoke their minds. The words said would shock anyone, but Josh tried to ignore them.

Not Friendly
Shocking Comments
These women called Josh horrible names, but they also accused him of being predatory and waiting to get them alone. However, that wasn’t true. Josh had an ulterior motive, but it focused on his trash and what he could do with it.

Shocking Comments
Brushed Them Off
Josh simply brushed off those women. They had no idea who he was before he became homeless, and they wouldn’t dream of talking to him like this if they did. However, he wasn’t there to tell them; he had a goal.

Brushed Them Off
His Past
In his prime, the man had been a respected soldier who fought for people’s rights to live whatever lifestyles they wanted. He couldn’t demand that they listen to him or care about him. He’d simply do what he was there to do and move on.

His Past
One Day
Each time they mocked or insulted Josh, he’d remind himself of his goal. He had dreams he wanted to fulfill, and he couldn’t let every rude person get to him. He told himself that one day he would live in a tiny home and had a photo so that he never forgot.

One Day
Harsh Winter
Josh put away the picture he carried with him, continuing to work. He only had a short few weeks left before winter hit, and it was extremely harsh. This man had plenty to do before the season snuck up on him, and he was prepared.

Harsh Winter
Winter’s Coming
Winter had been Josh’s favorite, but he hated it now. Being homeless meant getting exposed to the elements, and that included wind and snow. Likewise, his plastic would be in shorter supply, and that hurt him dearly.

Winter’s Coming
Living in the Woods
People usually drank hot beverages in winter, so Josh was limited to coffee lids and some takeaway containers for his plastic. Likewise, he had another problem. This was a small town, so he had to live in the woods and often couldn’t get through the snow.

Living in the Woods
Nothing Else Mattered
Still, Josh tried to get to the city to search for plastic. It was important to him, and he often focused on it more than being warm or eating! Overall, it was his only hope. You’re probably wondering why plastic was so important for him!

Nothing Else Mattered
Determined and Focused
Plastic was the key to Josh’s future, and he had to see it through. He’d tried getting a job and living the life he’d always wanted. That was the way for him to achieve his goals. It took all of his energy and had taken much longer than he had anticipated.

Determined and Focused
New Employee
One day, things changed, and Josh was caught off guard. He was going through the large trash cans that were behind the diner, which was usual for him. However, a young woman approached him.

New Employee
This new waitress gave him a beautiful smile and offered a hot beverage to the cold man. Josh was shocked to find a friendly person willing to help him in any way. He expected her to be just like every other employee there.

Very Caring
She introduced herself as Cara, asking if she could sit with him on her lunch break. He was stunned but agreed because she’d offered him a coffee, and he didn’t want to be rude. After talking for a bit, she gave him her sandwich, insisting he take it.

Very Caring
Over the few days that followed, it became their routine. Cara spent her lunch breaks with the homeless man, and she made sure to bring something delicious to eat. It was a little strange that she would offer her meal!

Sharing the Meal
Josh definitely appreciated her company, but he felt bad about taking her meal. Therefore, he insisted that they share it. Cara always said she’d eat when she went back home, but he couldn’t!

Sharing the Meal
Unlike the Others
Initially, Josh thought the employees were trying to trick him, but he soon realized that Cara wasn’t like them. She cared and had grown up in a bad household, wishing suffering on no one else. He realized he was lucky to meet her, and then things changed!

Unlike the Others
Questioning the Plastic
One day, the pair were sitting together, and Cara asked Josh why he collected the plastic. He felt protective about his batch and avoided the subject on instinct. He did tell her that it meant everything to him.

Questioning the Plastic
Something Different
He expected her to get irritated or laugh at him. However, she offered to bring Josh some plastic that she had at her house. He was filled with joy and accepted the offer with gladness in his heart. Overall, he had no idea the lengths she would go to!

Something Different
Time Was Approaching
Josh had been trying to move faster over the last few days, and Cara’s generous offer helped him get more plastic than he could have in that short period of time. If things continued, his dreams would come true fast!

Time Was Approaching
His Calculations
Josh sat down one night and watched the trash piles surrounding his tent. He estimated that he had a few pounds, but it simply wasn’t enough. In fact, he needed much more to reach his goal, and it would take a full year to get where he wanted to be.

His Calculations
Over The Moon
While it would be another year, Josh was still excited because he was closer to his goal now. That was something he could be proud of. Overall, he had to survive another winter. However, something happened to make him wish he’d given up that dream.

Over The Moon
Strange Noises
Josh rarely slept very well because he was uncomfortable. During the night, he ended up hearing noises outside, which woke him from his light slumber. He got up to see what was going on, bracing himself for the cold.

Strange Noises
A Sad Night
As soon as he got outside of his tent, his heart broke into a million pieces. The pile of plastic he’d been collecting was gone. Roughly a third of that plastic had been stolen, and it had taken him years to build it up!

A Sad Night
Cara Helps
Cara got to work and found Josh on the sidewalk, almost crying. She asked what had happened, and he told her he’d lost his plastic. Things were crashing down around him, and it broke her heart. She went to work immediately.

Cara Helps
More Than Expected
About a week later, Cara and her friends showed up at the makeshift tent Josh used in the woods. They started to unload a truck they’d brought with them, and it shocked Josh to the core. He couldn’t help but stare!

More Than Expected
Cara then told him that she had shared Josh’s story online. The people with her had agreed to collect plastic items to help him. This replaced what he’d lost, but it actually got him a few more pounds of his precious plastic!

Returning the Favor
The joy he showed Cara warmed her heart, even though she couldn’t understand the importance of plastic. She realized that the gesture meant everything to him. He gave her a hug and asked to return the favor. However, she underestimated him.

Returning the Favor
Cara couldn’t wait to get to work the next morning and see how Josh was doing. In fact, she hoped that all the plastic she and her friends brought would help him shave time off his schedule.

Gone Missing
Though Cara wanted to discuss what had happened the day before, Josh wasn’t there. She waited all day and looked out the window of the diner throughout, but she never saw him. Likewise, he didn’t arrive the following day!

Gone Missing
Days Passed
Initially, Cara wasn’t concerned, but that changed after a week. She hadn’t seen him since they’d dropped off the plastic, and she got concerned. Though he wasn’t obligated to go to the diner, something told her that things were wrong.

Days Passed
Cara knew Josh enjoyed her company and would come back for that. She would have if their situations were reversed. Overall, she couldn’t accept this and thought something had happened to the poor man. Therefore, she went to the woods to find him, but he was gone!

She didn’t sleep well last night and was in a terrible mood when she got to work the next morning. Then, she heard colleagues gossiping about her and Josh. Anger bubbled up inside of her, and she fought back.

Biting Back
Initially, she tried to be polite to the group, asking them to stop the nonsense. However, one of her colleagues asked why she would stand up for a homeless bum, and that got her upset. She held nothing back!

Biting Back
Never Seen That Much Rudeness
Cara claimed the colleagues were disgusting since they treated a war hero that way. The argument went on for a while, but she decided to walk away because you can’t argue with ignorance. Then, one of them said they had stolen Josh’s plastic!

Never Seen That Much Rudeness
One Special Day
Now, Cara was fuming and wanted to get revenge on everyone working there. However, a black Maserati pulled into the parking lot at that time, and she stopped. They were all about to get what they deserved!

One Special Day
Can’t Believe Her Eyes
A man in an expensive suit came into the diner, and he insisted that Cara serve him. She finally realized that it was Josh. He was there to offer her a job at his restaurant! Though others clamored for the opportunity, he remembered who had treated him well and chose Cara.

Can’t Believe Her Eyes