These Historical Figures May Not Have Ever Actually Existed

Published on January 19, 2022

Nat Tate

In 1998, Scottish author William Boyd published the novel Nat Tate: An American Artist 1928-1960. The book was written in the style of a biography, but it ultimately turned out to be completely made up by Boyd. Tate was described as “an abstract expressionist who destroyed 99% of his work and leapt to his death from the Staten Island Ferry.” The hoax meant to make fun of critics that are so unwilling to admit that there’s an artist they’ve never heard of.

Nat Tate

Nat Tate

Aunt Jemima

The character of Aunt Jemima that was depicted on the brand’s products was based on the “Mammy” slave stereotype. In fact, Aunt Jemima first appeared in vaudeville and minstrel shows. In 2020, after many years of controversy, the company changed its name to Pearl Milling Company and removed the logo.

Aunt Jemima

Aunt Jemima