These Are All The Different Ways Aluminum Foil Could Save Your Life

Published on October 10, 2021

Boost Radiator Efficiency

When you’ve been outside in the cold, you want a toasty place to come to when you get inside the house. Traditional radiators might not be enough, and expensive upgrades might not be in the budget. Instead, your solution may be to wrap aluminum foil around some cardboard. Put it behind the heat source to reflect heat to the whole room. The radiator becomes more efficient, and you warm up the entire house.

Foil Behind A Radiator

Foil Behind A Radiator

De-Grime Your Iron

You’ve probably had this happen to you before. You’re running late for work, and you notice a wrinkle in your shirt. You whip it off and pull out the iron to fix it so that you look your best. However, what if your iron is dirty, rusted, or grimy? All that gunk gets on your appliance, that’s what! The solution is simple. Roll aluminum foil into a ball and scrub away. Make sure that it is on and hot so that it is all cleaned away.

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Next To An Iron

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Next To An Iron