Fascinating Facts And Secrets From Behind The Scenes Of Jeopardy

Published on March 21, 2019

Hosting Duties

Although Alex Trebek has long been the face of Jeopardy, it wasn’t always his priority in life. The legendary host actually produced the first three seasons when it became syndicated, but he gave up those duties to focus on something else. Trebek went on to host NBC’s Classic Concentration, but eventually Jeopardy drew him back in.

Hosting Duties

Hosting Duties

What Else Is On?

Alex Trebek admitted that he quite often spends time at home watching his own show. The iconic entertainer said that as long as there wasn’t a Lakers game on, he was tuning in to Jeopardy to see how the show went. With five episodes being filmed at one time, he probably forgets more episodes than he remembers.

What Else Is On?

What Else Is On?