Did You Know That These Celebrities Are Actually Quite Religious?

Published on January 19, 2023

Sean Astin

Sean Astin grew up several different religions when he grew up. His mother was Catholic, his biological father was Jewish, his stepfather was an atheist turned Buddhist, and his brother is Hindu. After all of this exposure to religion, eventually Astin decided to follow Christianity, and he, his wife, and daughters all went through a baptism.

Sean Astin

Sean Astin

Kevin Sorbo

Kevin Sorbo is very open about his faith, and has even appeared in films that dwell in the topic like God’s Not Dead. He has been very vocal about being a nondenominational Christian, although he grew up Lutheran. He has criticized the response to his faith in Hollywood, saying: “there’s a negativity towards Christians in Hollywood, and a negativity towards people who believe in God.”

Kevin Sorbo

Kevin Sorbo