Celebrities Who Don’t Drink At All

Published on January 11, 2023

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck shared that in 1997, after appearing in his ffilm Good Will Hunting, he decided to quit drinking. He told Fox News: “I just wanted to stop. I started regretting some things I did when I was drunk. It’s funny to be obnoxious or out of control, but then it’s like, ‘I think I hurt that person’s feelings, ‘I made a fool of myself’ or ‘I didn’t want to kiss that girl.’ I have almost no inhibitions, so it’s dangerous for me.”

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck


Macklemore first drinking when he was just 14. By age 25, he was abusing drugs and alcohol to the point where he was depressed and suicidal. He decided to get sober and began going to inpatient treatment and 12-step meetings. He told Today: “Sobriety is not a daily struggle, but it is a daily effort. I have to be proactive about my recovery. When I talk about it, I get a spiritual reprieve.”

