Brotherly Confrontation Goes Viral After Rent Money Was Pocketed

Published on December 16, 2021
Most brothers don’t get along all the time, and sibling rivalry is a big deal. However, they usually only have minor issues and try to stay cordial for the rest of the family.

Sometimes, though, something horrendous happens, and it tears the family apart. Other times, amazing things occur….so what exactly happened with these two brothers when one of them lived in the other’s house and paid rent.?What could have made these siblings clash with each other and be overwhelmed with such emotion?

The only way to find out for sure is to continue reading about the quarrel between brothers!

The Secret

Todd Burkemper kept a secret from his family. He’d let his brother live in his home for two years and demanded rent money throughout the period. His brother complied, but Todd saved that money secretly, confusing everyone about his intentions.

The Secret

The Secret


The first question is, why did Todd demand money and then pile it up? Though it’s not strange to ask for compensation for renting a house, it was nothing special and was located about 25 miles past St. Louis, Missouri. Why hide the money, though?




How It Started

Todd has a university degree from 2013 and settled on his property. Then, his brother Alex was in a similar situation after finishing school. He needed a place to go while he found a job. Where could he stay? Todd came up with the solution!

How It Started

How It Started


Family Reunion

Alex was confused and couldn’t find many places on his own. He thought he might move in with his parents, but Todd reached out to him. When the world turns its back, your family opens doors. His brother helped Alex by asking him to stay at his house.

Family Reunion

Family Reunion


Settling Down

Overall, Alex accepted the offer and moved into the Wentzville home. During the first six months, Alex didn’t pay rent. Todd didn’t demand rent during that time, but things suddenly changed. New terms were then made between the brothers.

Settling Down

Settling Down


Pay to Stay

After that six months, Todd asked Alex to start paying monthly rent. It sounded fair, so Alex did it, but it wasn’t easy. Alex was trying to save money for his own home, and paying rent didn’t make it easy on his wallet. His dream of buying a house was put on the back-burner.

Pay To Stay

Pay To Stay


Financial Stability

Life is very hard, and that’s really noticed when you leave your parent’s house. Todd was quite lucky to get a job with decent pay after earning his degree. He then settled down on the property and was accepted at Buildium as an application designer and software developer. You might think he had no financial woes, but that’s where you’re wrong.

Financial Stability

Financial Stability


Burdened by Debt

While Todd landed a good job, his first years were hard because most of his salary went to paying off his student loans. With so much debt, the financial responsibility was tough. You must live on a low wage while trying to make ends meet until the loan is paid off.

Burdened By Debt

Burdened By Debt


More Behind the Curtain

Todd didn’t just have student loans, either. He had bought a car and had to make payments on it. Then, he was living in this great house. How could he afford it so soon after graduation? Well, he bought it on terms that were favorable at the time but made life hard now.

More Behind The Curtain

More Behind The Curtain


Built from Scratch

In fact, Todd’s story has more challenges. He didn’t roam around the area to buy the best house out there. He actually financed the construction of the property to build it from scratch. That’s not easy to do, especially if you’ve got other financial burdens. It’s safe to say Todd had tough times.

Built From Scratch

Built From Scratch


Stronger than Ever

After tackling the responsibilities he had, Todd was stronger and more experienced. Struggles bring out the best version of a person. Now, Alex was facing a similar path. Thankfully, he could rely on Todd to give him a roof over his head.

Stronger Than Ever

Stronger Than Ever


Bros for Life

Todd helping his brother shows the closeness between them. Though his request for rent was valid, you can’t deny that having your brother as a tenant is much better than a stranger. Things are just different with family. Plus, they were happy to be around each other.

Bros For Life

Bros For Life


Six-month Free Trial

Their relationship might be the reason Todd waited for half a year before requesting rent. Since he didn’t demand it upfront, his brother could settle in before having to pay. Now, you’re probably wondering how much he paid to stay in the house after the free trial period.

Six Month Free Trial

Six Month Free Trial


Rent Now Due

Todd didn’t hide the amount he charged Alex. On the Kelly Clarkson Show, he said he asked for $350 a month, which doesn’t seem like that much. Overall, it came out to $4,200 a year, which sounds pretty decent. Though some might wonder why he didn’t do something lower for his brother, rent takes into account many factors.

Rent Now Due

Rent Now Due


Rent Rates

Statistics about rent averages for Missouri in 2020 vary on the property. For example, studio apartments are about $500 to $600 each year, and a three-bedroom home is about $1,000. If you get a four-bedroom place, you’re looking at $1,200 for rent.

Rent Rates

Rent Rates


Missouri Properties

As far as two-bedroom houses go, they rake in $800 a month. These are only averages, so take them with a grain of salt. Overall, you must think of the property’s location and if the tenant knows the person. The landlord-tenant relationship was different because they’re brothers.

Missouri Properties

Missouri Properties


Lord of the Land

Typically, houses in Adair County that have two bedrooms go for $700 a month. If you get to Kansas City, though, you can expect to pay $900 for a similar place. This is a big difference and goes to show how uncertain the figures could be!

Lord Of The Land

Lord Of The Land


Brotherly Love

As you can see from the other figures, Todd’s request was very reasonable based on the standard rate in Missouri. Considering that he was going through financial problems, he could have asked for much more. However, Todd didn’t put the money in a bank account. Instead, he hid it where no one else could find it!

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love


Superior Motives

Todd revealed on the Kelly Clarkson Show that he stashed Alex’s rent money for about 2.5 years. However, Alex didn’t suspect or find out about his brother’s intentions the entire time. Why did Todd do this? Well, he had an interesting idea for his younger brother!

Superior Motives

Superior Motives



The plan was to save money so that Alex could get his own house. This big brother didn’t use the cash for personal gains; instead, he wanted to help his sibling. Todd had to tell his parents about it, but they made sure Alex never found out so that the surprise wasn’t ruined.




Motherly Love

Barbara Burkemper was the brothers’ mother and was happy to hear what Todd did. She talked to her young son regularly about his dream of owning his own house. No one wants to be a tenant, even if the landlord is your brother. Overall, he needed to get out on his own.

Motherly Love

Motherly Love


Property for Sale

Why didn’t Alex get a loan from the bank to fund his property? Well, his mother discouraged him from doing so. She knew what Todd was doing, and she didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Plus, she feared that Alex might ruin his credit by getting in over his head.

Property For Sale

Property For Sale


Living the Dream

How long could their mother keep her son from moving out? She’s only one person. Though she wanted her son to have his dream, she found it hard to stop him. Then, in May of 2020, he lost his patience and was ready to move. He had already waited for three years, and that was long enough.

Living The Dream

Living The Dream


Spilling the Beans

As Alex got impatient, his parents told Todd it was time to spill the beans. This moment was finally happening. On May 27, 2020, Alex learned of the secret his family had for him. Todd was the one to break the news to his brother.

Spilling The Beans

Spilling The Beans


The Surprise of His Life

Todd and Alex’s parents joined them at the Wentzville home, bringing a camera to film Alex’s surprise. The video went viral, and Todd is seen showing Alex his phone screen. On it, the accumulated balance is shown, and then Todd said, “It’s yours.” Alex was confused and asked, “Why?”

The Surprise Of His Life

The Surprise Of His Life


Brotherly Present

Todd reminded his brother of him making Alex pay rent a few years ago. He said he started saving the money and putting it into a savings account. That’s not all, though. He also revealed something his parents didn’t know. Todd didn’t just put the rent money aside; he put in some of his own money, too!

Brotherly Present

Brotherly Present


Proud Parents

This surprise let out a rollercoaster of emotion for Alex and his parents. Their dreams were coming true. Todd claimed he didn’t want his brother to struggle as he did. Then, Alex started crying and hugged his brother. The entire thing was caught on video and was a beautiful memory for the entire family.

Proud Parents

Proud Parents


In the Spotlight

Barbara uploaded the video to her Facebook profile, and it wasn’t long before it touched everyone’s heart and went viral. People were so touched at Todd’s love for his brother and their emotional outburst. Overall, the video made it to many social media platforms, and Alex and Todd aren’t soon to forget this memory.

In The Spotlight

In The Spotlight


Like, Comment, Share

After their mom uploaded the video, it got about 130 comments and 180 likes. When she saw how it had a positive response, she chose to reach more people. That’s why she sent it to Good News Network, explaining the reason for it and why the story required more recognition.

Like, Comment, Share

Like, Comment, Share


Social Media’s Power

Barbara was proud of the men her sons had become and thought their story might inspire thousands of others. She elaborated on her intentions in an interview, saying that she read the heartwarming responses that night and felt compelled to share it with a wider audience.

Social Media's Power

Social Media’s Power


Good News

Once the Good News Network heard about it, they contributed a share to make Todd’s deed known to the world. It published an article on its website summarizing the story and included the original video. Overall, it was watched 100,000+ times on YouTube and continued raking in positive responses. Then, it was showcased on Epoch Times, LADbible, and Evening Standard.

Good News

Good News


Kelly’s List

Everyone absolutely loved this heartwarming story, but the brothers never dreamed it might reach bigger heights. In August 2020, the brothers got a call from a celebrity. Kelly Clarkson had heard about the situation and wanted to bring them on her show, which aired in September.

Kelly's List

Kelly’s List


Be Inspired

Todd told Kelly that he got the idea from his mom. He wanted to help his brother purchase the property, but Barbara executed the plan. Her parents had done something similar for her, so she gets the credit. Then, he talked about the extra surprise about putting in some of his money.

Be Inspired

Be Inspired


Cherry on Top

Todd said that he put $150 of his money in there to make the monthly allotment an even $500. That grew to $14,000 after 2.5 years. This is no small sum here. That much money might have taken decades for Alex to save by himself!

Cherry On Top

Cherry On Top


How Alex Felt

Until now, you’ve only heard what the parents and Todd were thinking. However, Alex was also emotional. Kelly talked to him about his side of the story. He was clueless and didn’t suspect anything. He claims it was a life-changing moment and his dream came true.

How Alex Felt

How Alex Felt


Emotional Pride

Alex was delighted, shocked, and filled with joy when the reveal occurred. He ended up crying, and who could blame him. It’s not every day you get $14,000 handed to you! He claims he was dumbfounded, and everyone was just crying.

Emotional Pride

Emotional Pride


Forever Generous

Then, Alex said that his brother was always generous, so he appreciated that man even more now. He was just so giving and always outdoes himself at birthdays and Christmases. However, Alex is sure Todd couldn’t top that one!

Forever Generous

Forever Generous


The Next Step

The interview Kelly loaded to YouTube got about 6,000 views and countless positive comments. Their story continues to inspire more people. However, what happened next? Did Alex get his house or spend the money on something else?!

The Next Step

The Next Step


Dreams Come True

In June 2020, Barbara updated her Facebook account status to show the picture of a young Alex standing in front of a new house. He had a huge smile on his face while holding a key with “SOLD” at the top. Dreams do come true, and Todd helped it happen faster.

Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True


New Beginnings

In the caption area of the photo, Barbara congratulated Alex on being a first-time homeowner so young. She said she and his dad were proud. This post got 150 likes and comments. Alex’s home is in Wentzville, too, and while the duo lives under separate roofs, their hearts are always together.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings


Not Always The Case

As we can see from Todd’s story, often siblings will look out for one another. Todd was very lucky that his brother cares so much about him that he planned out this elaborate money-saving plan in order to help him out. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case when it comes to siblings and money. Here’s a story that’s on the total opposite side of the spectrum…

Not Always The Case

Not Always The Case


He Died Alone

Louis Passerini lived out his final days alone as a recluse at Bellevue Hospital. Although Louis had two brothers, they were not in contact with him and they pretty much had no idea where he was and what his status was when he passed away.

He Died Alone

He Died Alone


They Didn’t Know

In fact, his brothers Joseph and Henry didn’t even know that Louis had even died until 6 years later when they were notified by an agency that handles uncollected assets. Joseph told the New York Post: “I was shocked to hear that he died because he was in great physical shape.”

They Didn't Know

They Didn’t Know


A Huge Secret

The agency let Joseph know that not only did his brother pass away, he left behind two bank accounts whose total came out to $81,155.17 according to Manhattan Surrogate’s Court’s filed papers.

A Huge Secret

A Huge Secret


How Was This Possible?

How could the siblings not have known that their brother had a secret fortune? Well, according to Joseph Passerini: “He was a very, very private person. He didn’t spend anything.’’ After He and Henry found out about the fortune, Henry decided to investigate and see if there was anything else that Louis had left behind.

How Was This Possible?

How Was This Possible?


Likely Source

The brothers conjectured that the money came from Louis’ time in the Air Force and US Army, where he spent 30 years of his life. He dedicated such a huge portion of his life to the armed forces, and so he was likely compensated accordingly.

Likely Source

Likely Source


Reaching Out

Henry was are of the fact that Louis “was exceptionally frugal with money” and shared that he had a “long history of saving, even during the Great Depression.” That’s why he decided to send out letters to banks in all of the neighborhoods where Louis had lived.

Reaching Out

Reaching Out


Hundreds Of Letters

Henry sent hundreds of letters to the banks and he also reached out to the government’s unclaimed funds administrators in every single state, as well at the IRS. So did he find any other hidden riches?

Hundreds Of Letters

Hundreds Of Letters


It Paid Off

Henry’s actions actually benefitted him, as he found 30 bank accounts spread out across the country in Connecticut, New York, and Virginia. In addition to these accounts, he also found four safe deposit boxes that contained 19 savings passbooks, keys to even more safe deposit boxes, and several shorthand notes that held clues to even more finds.

It Paid Off

It Paid Off


The Total

Overall, Henry was able to trace a total of over $900,000 left behind by his brother Louis. The search for all of the money ended up costing him $100,000. You might think that the brothers would be excited to have found such a large inheritance, but their troubles were just beginning.

The Total

The Total


Refusing To Pay

When Henry asked Joseph to reimburse him from the inheritance kit, Joseph flat out refused. Henry was furious. He had done all this work locating the money, and he couldn’t understand why Joseph was being so difficult.  So what did Henry decide to do about this?

Refusing To Pay

Refusing To Pay


Payback Time

After Joseph refused to reimburse him, Henry decided to “pay back” his brother by refusing to pay the estate taxes on the whole bundle. This essentially holds the money hostage, according to Joseph.

Payback Time

Payback Time


The Main Issue

The main problem was the fact that Louis had not written out a clear cut will, complicating matters. If he had allocated his assets to whoever he wanted to give them to, things would have been much simpler. But that was not the case.

Last Will

Last Will


No Matter

It seems like Louis most likely didn’t care what happened with his money after he passed. He probably saved up the money in case he needed it one day, and didn’t think about what happened after he was gone.

No Matter

No Matter


No Contact

Perhaps if his brothers had kept in touch with him while he was alive, the story would have turned out very differently. Louis was estranged from his family for so long, it doesn’t come as much as a surprise that he didn’t leave the money behind specifically for anyone. They didn’t even know he had passed away for 6 years!

No Contact

No Contact


He Was Upset

When Joseph found out that Henry withheld the estate taxes, he was furious. He said: “He throws monkey wrenches into the machinery!”  Now everything is in limbo, and the two have to fight it out.

He Was Upset

He Was Upset


The Final Division

A judge is expected to decide on Joseph’s request to remove Henry as the administrator of their brother’s estate. It looks like the two brothers will share half of the $912,000, and the rest of the money will be divided and given to six nieces and nephews, who are the children of their sisters who have also passed.

The Final Division

The Final Division


The Moral Of The Story

For those of us who don’t want our siblings to fight over assets, the best plan of action is to make a will that clearly states to whom you are giving each of your assets to. The key phrase here is “clearly states” as any ambiguity can cause issues, confusion, and years-long battles.

Last Will And Testament Michigan

Last Will And Testament Michigan


Money Makes People Weird

Even people who get along really well can find themselves in awkward situations when it comes to money. This is magnified when large sums of money are involved. An example of a will that evenly splits up assets looks something like: “my estate shall be split evenly, between my two children, with each receiving 50%.”

Money Makes People Weird

Money Makes People Weird


Clearly Stated

For those who don’t want to leave anything behind to their families, this should also be clearly stated. Otherwise, confusion could still arise, and any blood-relations could still claim assets left behind that were not assigned to anyone in particular. Money, legal matters, and family don’t always go together nicely, and so it’s best to be as clear as possible.

Clearly Stated

Clearly Stated