A boy visited the fire station and changed the lives of many firefighters forever. The young boy handed the fire captain a note with a single request, that no one expected. These grown men were brought to tears. Find out what happened between this child and those firefighters that caused so much emotion.
Meet Jim Grimzer
Jim Grimzer was born in New York City and had lived there his entire life. He was the New York Fire Department captain, and he was proud to come from a family of firefighters. In fact, he enjoyed serving his community.

Meet Jim Grimzer
Job Dangers
While he was working, Jim suffered a tragedy, and he became confused about what he should do with his life. He clearly knew the dangers of being a firefighter, but that situation made everything sink in for him.

Job Dangers
Losing a Great Man
Jim ended up losing one of the men on his team. This young man had only recently joined up with the department, and the captain had only seen him a few times. However, he felt responsible for everyone, and it was a huge blow.

Losing a Great Man
A Tragic Day
The grief Jim felt after the department’s recent loss was eating away at him for weeks. He couldn’t dig himself out of that deep hole he was in and wasn’t sure what to do about it. However, a massive change soon came his way!

A Tragic Day
The Special Visit
Jim decided to surprise visit the team one day, going to the scene of a minor situation to help out. The group fixed the problem and were ready to go back to the fire station. Overall, Jim wanted other firefighters to know he was there.

The Special Visit
The New York Fire Department has over 10,000 firefighters working in the area and at various stations. Therefore, many firefighters might have been at the scene on a particular day. However, Jim was at the right place during the right time, experiencing something powerful.

A Special Request
One young boy came up to Jim with a request. It was normal for the man to see excited children because of the fire engine and uniforms. However, this child clearly had something else on his mind.

A Special Request
Meet Trucker Dukes
Trucker Dukes was the child’s name. He had been in NYC for a long period. To the young boy, it was the best place to continue his interests. However, he never imagined his dream coming true.

Meet Trucker Dukes
Happy Surprise
Trucker and his mother were living in New York at the Ronald McDonald House. They had returned from an outing, and the child noticed the NY firefighters nearby, becoming increasingly excited. Then, he saw the captain of the department.

Happy Surprise
Starting a Conversation
The mother-son duo had planned to go home, but they noticed Jim walking to the fire engine while at the scene of a situation. Therefore, the pair approached him and started talking. Trucker revealed a special request.

Starting a Conversation
Trucker’s Heroes
Trucker told Jim that he loved the firefighters more than anything else on the planet, and his mother confirmed that by nodding in agreement. In fact, he was fascinated with the fire department. While common, the adoration went further, shocking Jim.

Trucker’s Heroes
Fully Committed
Sarah, Trucker’s mother, told Jim that her son had many ornaments and trucks related to firefighting. In fact, he wasn’t interested in other toys or topics. This fire department was a large part of the child’s life.

Fully Committed
His Outfit
Trucker was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, but he wore a firefighter jacket over it. Jim thought it was adorable and showed how much the child cared about firefighting. Therefore, Jim asked his mother what inspired this love and adoration.

His Outfit
His Reason
Sarah told the captain that her husband was also a firefighter. Trucker grew up hearing about it and visited his father at the fire station. Overall, it touched Jim’s heart because it ultimately reminded him about his own family.

His Reason
Long Way from Home
Jim asked if her husband was with the NY fire department, but he got a shocking answer. Trucker and Sarah were from Maui, Hawaii, and planned to return in one week. That’s where the child’s dad worked!

Long Way from Home
Trucker’s Condition
Everyone was confused to learn this; why wasn’t Trucker in school back in Hawaii? Sarah explained that he had been diagnosed with neuroblastoma two years ago. She and her son were only in New York for treatment of the disease.

Trucker’s Condition
Rare Condition
Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer that affects kids under 5 years old. There’s no cure for people who get the disease. However, doctors have ways of managing it, which is why Trucker was in New York City.

Rare Condition
Stage Four Cancer
The captain and firefighting team were curious about why the pair were then leaving New York City. Trucker was at stage four, so the family chose to be together. No one could do anything to help this child.

Stage Four Cancer
More Stress
While Trucker’s body endured a lot because of treatment, something else caused him more stress. The medication took a huge toll on him, and the doctors had tried all tests. He’d even had two surgeries and three stints of chemotherapy.

More Stress
His Treatment
The treatments hadn’t worked to remove the tumor. In fact, the doctors couldn’t do anything else to help him. Therefore, Sarah decided it was better to take Trucker home so that he could be with the family. Everyone was sad!

His Treatment
Trucker’s Request
Jim wanted to hear the child’s request after hearing his story. Trucker wished to be a firefighter. The captain looked at the boy and hugged him. The whole team was touched and vowed to do whatever they could to help.

Trucker’s Request
His Home
There was only one question Jim had. He wondered why Trucker chose FDNY instead of the Hawaiian department. Sarah explained that her son had seen Jim in action and became fascinated by what he did.

His Home
The Extra Mile
Jim realized that Trucker wanted to be a firefighter more than anything in life. However, the captain wished to make this a special situation. Instead of giving the boy some pictures and a badge, something else had to be done.

The Extra Mile
His Plan
The captain came up with the perfect plan and started implementing it before Trucker and Sarah left to return to Hawaii. Jim spoke to the team, setting a date for the child’s ceremony to be an honorary firefighter.

His Plan
The Guest List
Jim learned who would be at the ceremony and was shocked. Trucker’s dad and his other relatives planned to fly to New York to be there. This made him a little nervous because everything had to be perfect.

The Guest List
The Big Day
After stressing for many days about the ceremony, Jim realized he had nothing to fear. Trucker’s family wanted to support him. Plus, Joshua, Trucker’s dad, carried him up to the podium, helping to recite the vow to be a firefighter.

The Big Day
Happy Birthday
Trucker had his birthday a few days after their ceremony. The child’s family and many of the NY firefighters attended. His greatest wish was now fulfilled. Now, the family made another significant decision.

Happy Birthday
Ending Treatment
It was hard to reveal the decision to the rest of the family. However, Joshua and Sarah felt that it was best for their son. They chose to end his treatment. While they wanted him alive for as long as could be, he was in pain.

Ending Treatment
Social Media
When the family chose to end Trucker’s cancer treatments, everyone wanted him to live life to the fullest. Later, they called it Trucker Tough Challenge, and they shared it on various social media platforms to showcase amazing experiences.

Social Media
British Columbia
Trucker, his parents, and three older siblings got their first adventure within British Columbia. The family wanted their son to experience the world if they could afford it. Therefore, they went to Whistler to learn about sledding.

British Columbia
No Worries
Joshua and Sarah knew they had a large family and had to contribute to Trucker’s medical bills for treatment. Therefore, it was challenging to pay for all of those trips and activities. Still, it was worth it to see their son happy.

No Worries
Gaining Support
Before long, the Trucker Touch Challenge went viral. The family was overwhelmed by the amount of support they got. Many people donated to the cause or shared the story to get more media attention. Everyone wanted to see this boy have fun.

Gaining Support
Passing Away
Trucker passed away less than a year after he was taken off the treatment plan. He was at home in Hawaii when it happened. However, this young boy fulfilled his dream of spending quality time with his family and becoming a firefighter.

Passing Away
Surprising Perspective
Tragically, Trucker passed away too soon. However, his parents have no regrets about the end of his life. They did what they could, providing their son with a great life full of joy and love. Saying goodbye was painful, but they wanted to celebrate his life.

Surprising Perspective
Paying Tribute
The firefighters in NYC and Hawaii were saddened by losing Trucker. They all sent well wishes to the family. However, some of them decided to do more than that for their special honorary firefighter!

Paying Tribute
The Mural
The Hawaiian firefighters came together and created a beautiful memorial mural for Trucker. It wasn’t because his father had been a firefighter. Everyone knew about Trucker’s love for the fire services.

The Mural
Official Register
The Hawaiian fire service chose to add Trucker’s name to the official register at their department. That meant the boy lived on in memories. His father took comfort from this, knowing his son’s name appeared beside his own.

Official Register
Trucker’s Tombstone
Trucker’s dad realized that he had to keep his son close to his heart. The best way to do that was by working as a firefighter and doing what his son loved so much. Joshua often visits his grave when he misses Trucker.

Trucker’s Tombstone
Raising Awareness
It’s been many years since Sarah and Joshua lost their son, Trucker. However, they’re focused on raising awareness for neuroblastoma. Plus, they advocate for better treatments that aren’t as harsh for younger kids.

Raising Awareness
Sarah and Joshua came out of a difficult time in their lives. They lost their youngest son but work hard to make it easier for other kids. No parents and children should have to go through what they did, so they advocate for better options.
