Everyone Should Avoid These Decor Mistakes That Will Instantly Date Your Home

Published on May 23, 2022

Overly Ornate Living Room

While we would all like to live like royals, most of us simply can’t maintain an overly ornate house, let alone just a living room. These rooms are usually maintained by a whole staff of people, so they’re not really realistic for most of us. You can use a chandelier or other ornate items as an accent, but no need to do the whole room in this style.

Overly Ornate Living Room

Overly Ornate Living Room

Vertical Blinds

Vertical blinds certainly do a good job blocking out sunlight, but the unfortunate downside to them is that they look terrible and move around like clunky wind chimes. These bulky blinds can easily be replaced with daintier and more elegant blinds that will do as good of a job with blocking out the sun.

Vertical Blinds

Vertical Blinds