These Are The Items You Should Avoid Buying During The Quarantine

Published on April 13, 2020

Bottled Water

There’s no reason to stock up on lots and lots of plastic bottles of water right now, especially if you have a source of water in your home. This leads to shortages, and can be problematic for those who have no other option. While we are in quarantine, this is not a hurricane, and water access should not be compromised.

Bottled Water

Bottled Water

What You Should Buy: Water Purifier

While many people opt to panic-bottle endless plastic bottles of water, it is much more cost-efficient to buy a water purifier. If you have your own water supply at home, it is unlikely that anything will happen to it, and a water purifier is the best way to get access to clean, filtered water at home.

What You Should Buy: Water Purifier

What You Should Buy: Water Purifier