These Are The Items You Should Avoid Buying During The Quarantine

Published on April 13, 2020
The global pandemic came at all of us seemingly out of nowhere, leaving many people panicked and unsure of what to buy for the potentially months-long quarantine. While there are definitely many essential items you should stock up on, there are also a lot of things you can simply leave behind. These are the items you should avoid buying and wasting your money on.

Dehydrated Food

It might seem like a good idea to stock up on freeze dried and dehydrated foods, but that’s not the case at all. First of all, these are not the most nutritious options around, and they are packed with a lot of salt. Second, some people’s stomachs are quite sensitive to these food items, and a global pandemic is not the time to find out you can’t stomach dehydrated food and risk the need to go to a hospital. Stick to fresh foods instead.

Dehydrated Food

Dehydrated Food

New Clothes

We get it, some people really benefit psychologically from retail therapy. However, right now may not be the time to be buying so many new clothes online. While it is important to support local businesses, you should also make sure you’re not overspending on things you don’t really need. As we’re all trying to stay indoors as much as possible, there really is not a reason to buy more new clothes right now.

New Clothes

New Clothes


Meal Kits

It might seem like a good idea to stock up on meal kits such as Hamburger Helper, but it’s important to keep in mind that there may be periods of time where you may not be able to get fresh ingredients such as ground meat or fresh milk. Instead, focus on buying non-perishable items that do not require many extra ingredients such as dry pasta, jarred sauces, and tuna cans.

Meal Kits

Meal Kits


Hand Sanitizer

While hand sanitizer is great to have on hand in a pinch, it is not as effective as washing your hands with soap and water. Washing your hands thoroughly for at least 40 seconds is the best way to disinfect your hands, according to the World Health Organization. However, if you cannot wash your hands, make sure to sanitize your hands properly and thoroughly with hand sanitizer for at least 30 seconds.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer


Raw Fish

During a time like this, it is probably wise to avoid raw foods like raw fish. While it is most likely safe to eat sushi, eating raw foods increases risk of bacteria-related stomach issues. A global pandemic is not the time to get a stomach bug, as you want to do your best to avoid needing a hospital right now.

Raw Fish

Raw Fish


Unpasteurized Milk

The same goes for unpasteurized milk and other items in the same category. Unpasteurized products run the risk of carrying bacteria, and should probably just be avoided right now, as having a stomach issue is the last thing you want to be dealing with right now.

Unpasteurized Milk

Unpasteurized Milk


Beauty Products

Beauty products tend to be quite pricey and are simply not essential to buy right now. While treating yourself with one or two things is okay, now is not the time to be buying up stockpiles of beauty products. While supporting businesses is a good thing, if the demand is increased, more workers will have to put their health at risk in order to supply these products. These items can wait until after lockdown.

Beauty Products

Beauty Products


Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is a great option normally, however, during the time of the quarantine, you’re better off avoiding this type of vinegar. Consuming raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can cause upset stomach and that can sometimes escalate into something worse, so you’re better off just skipping it for now.

Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar


Home And Garden Decor

While we know that you’re suddenly stuck indoors 24/7 and are noticing which areas of your home you’ve been neglecting, maybe this is not the right time to start redecorating. You won’t (and definitely shouldn’t) be having guests over for a while, so the state of decor in your home is not a huge priority right now. Instead, make a plan of things you’d like to get after the lockdown is over.

Home And Garden Decor

Home And Garden Decor



Whether its jewelry, hats, and other fun accessories, since you should not be leaving the house right now, it’s definitely not the time to be buying up new accessories. If you want to get dressed up while staying at home, that’s absolutely fine, but accessorize with items that you already own.




Pricey Alcohol

While we all need a drink (or two…or three…) to deal with this whole situation, right now probably is not the time to splurge on the most expensive bottles of alcohol. You can order (online!) nice bottles of wine and liquor without breaking the bank and still enjoying a relaxing drink.

Pricey Alcohol

Pricey Alcohol



Whether or not you choose to remove your body hair in general is up to you, but there really is no reason to shave every single day when you won’t be venturing outside your home for a while. Your spouse should still accept you, even with a bit of stubble!




Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are always a fun package to receive, filled with mysterious goodies to tantalize us. However, you definitely don’t need to receive packages of non-essential items during the quarantine. While these are fun, most of the time they don’t contain products you absolutely cannot live without, so you are better off skipping these until the lockdown is over.

Subscription Boxes

Subscription Boxes


Hair Dye

While we all want to look good at all times, maybe right now is not the time to experiment with do it yourself at-home hair dye kits. First of all, you won’t be going out for a while. Second, if you’re interesting in highlights or other complicated hair dying treatments, it may be best to wait until you can go back to a salon and have a professional handle things.

Hair Dye

Hair Dye


Too Many New Plants

While it is a great idea to start keeping houseplants or developing a small home garden, you should make sure you don’t go overboard and buy too many new plants. While you have the time at home now, that may not be the case once the lockdown is over, and you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too many plants to have to upkeep later.

Too Many New Plants

Too Many New Plants


Complete At-Home Gym Set

While it is a great idea to get some necessary at-home workout accessories like dumbbells, kettlebells, a yoga mat, and ankle weights, you really don’t have to go all out and spends thousands of dollars on recreating an entire gym in your home. Remember that if you usually don’t work out at home, you might not continue doing so after the lockdown is over, so try not to overdo it.

Complete At Home Gym Set

Complete At Home Gym Set


Adopting Pets

It’s definitely a great idea to foster animals who would otherwise be left alone in a shelter during the lockdown. However, if you’re considering adopting a new pet right now, make sure that once the quarantine is over you can still handle taking care of it, otherwise think twice before taking the step of adopting.

Adopting Pets

Adopting Pets


Huge Amounts of Toilet Paper

A lot of people have been panic-buying toilet paper, which makes it pretty hard to find for everyone else. Toilet paper shortages are quite bizarre during a global pandemic that involves a virus that does not cause extra trips to the bathroom. Instead, buy the amount you need so that everyone can get their fair share of toilet paper.

Huge Amounts Of Toilet Paper

Huge Amounts Of Toilet Paper


Huge Amounts of Paper Towels

Along the line of hoarding giant amounts of toilet paper, the same goes for paper towels. There is no reason to mass buy these, as there are other options that are both more sustainable and also more wallet-friendly, especially during a time like this. You can use washable and reusable towels or even old T-shirts that you want to get rid of can be used as rags.

Huge Amounts of Paper Towels

Huge Amounts of Paper Towels


Medical Grade Face Masks

While it is a good idea to buy some face masks in order to protect yourself, there really is no reason to buy medical grade face masks, such as N95 masks. In fact, if you do happen to have a supply of these, it’s probably best to donate them to a hospital so that medical workers can safely treat patients without the risk of becoming infected themselves.

Medical Grade Face Masks

Medical Grade Face Masks


Bottled Water

There’s no reason to stock up on lots and lots of plastic bottles of water right now, especially if you have a source of water in your home. This leads to shortages, and can be problematic for those who have no other option. While we are in quarantine, this is not a hurricane, and water access should not be compromised.

Bottled Water

Bottled Water


What You Should Buy: Water Purifier

While many people opt to panic-bottle endless plastic bottles of water, it is much more cost-efficient to buy a water purifier. If you have your own water supply at home, it is unlikely that anything will happen to it, and a water purifier is the best way to get access to clean, filtered water at home.

What You Should Buy: Water Purifier

What You Should Buy: Water Purifier


First Aid Kit

This is the time to make sure that you have everything you need for a first aid kit at home. If something happens while you’re at home, it’s much better to have supplies on hand than having to run out to a pharmacy while there is a limit on how many people can shop there at a time.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit


A Month’s Worth Of Medication

Try to stock up on a month’s supply of your needed medications. It’s best to minimize the amount of time spent outside of your home and especially at store when you’re exposed to other people. This is the time to make sure you have enough of it for a while.

A Month's Worth Of Medication

A Month’s Worth Of Medication



An important medical staple you should have in your home is a thermometer. While this is always important to have on hand, during this pandemic it is extra important to keep one at home. One of the methods of checking for symptoms is checking your temperature, so make sure you have one of these handy if you need it.




Hand Soap

While using gel hand sanitizer is helpful in a pinch, the best way to clean your hands is with good old fashioned soap and water. Try to sing “Happy Birthday” twice while you wash your hands and make sure that the soap foams up and gets sudsy in order to remove all dirt and bacteria from your hands.

Hand Soap

Hand Soap


Garbage Bags

Make sure you have plenty of garbage bags at home so you can dispose of not only garbage but potentially contaminated wipes and other cleaning supplies. It’s important to immediately dispose of things that you have used in order to disinfect surfaces so that you don’t risk cross contamination.

Garbage Bags

Garbage Bags


Laundry Detergent

If you do venture out to get essential items like groceries at the supermarket or other places, then it is important to keep contact with other people and surfaces to an absolute minimum. You should wash the clothes you wore to go out. It’s important to have plenty of laundry detergent on hand in order to clean and disinfect any clothes or towels you’re using these days.

Laundry Detergent

Laundry Detergent


Soothing Balm For Over-Washed Hands

While keeping your hands clean with gel hand sanitizer or washing your hands frequently, you might find that your skin is getting quite dry. In order to combat this, make sure to treat your hands with a soothing balm such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment. Keep your clean hands smooth and silky!

Soothing Balm For Over Washed Hands

Soothing Balm For Over Washed Hands


Frozen Food

As you’re trying to stay indoors as much as possible, you definitely want to keep trips to the grocery to a bare minimum. Stocking up on frozen foods such as frozen veggies, frozen fish, and frozen prepared meals is a great way to make sure you have plenty of food on hand that is long lasting. Make sure to grab a pint or two of ice cream while you’re at it!

Frozen Food

Frozen Food


Baby Food

If you have a baby or toddler at home, you definitely want to make sure that you have enough food ready and available for them. The last thing you want is to run out of baby food during a global pandemic. While pre-prepared baby food is a great option, also try stocking up on some home made options as well.

Baby Food

Baby Food


Pet Food

Just as making sure us humans have enough food available to us during the quarantine, it is just as important to make sure our furry friends at home have enough to eat during this time. Canned and bagged food are great options as they keep for long periods of time.

Pet Food

Pet Food


Baking Goods

This is the perfect time to start baking your own bread, pastries, cakes, and cookies! Not only is baking a great way to relax, there’s really nothing better than fresh baked goods right out of the oven. Stock up on the essentials like flour, baking powder, baking soda, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and yeast to bake up storm.

Baking Goods

Baking Goods



Canned goods are wonderful to keep on hand during a global pandemic quarantine. The only drawback is that sometimes canned goods tend to be a bit bland. This is where condiments come in. Not only do small amounts add a ton of flavor to food, but condiments keep for a long while in the fridge.




Cleaning Supplies

Having EPA approved cleaning supplies is of utmost importance during a time like now. While it’s always important to keep your home clean and bacteria free, now more than ever it is absolutely crucial. Make sure that you’re cleaning surfaces often in order to stay healthy.

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies


Coffee And Tea

Many of us are now working from home for the time being, which means that we need to stay alert. Coffee and tea are great staples to have on hand in order to keep your caffeinated and going through the work day, even if you’re working in your pajamas.

Coffee And Tea

Coffee And Tea


Plenty Of Snacks

Although it’s important to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods right now, it is also important to be kind to yourself and indulge in some treats every once in a while. Keep some of your favorite snacks and sweets on hand and make sure to have some every once in a while to help you stay sane.

Plenty Of Snacks

Plenty Of Snacks



Eggs are a wonderful staple to keep in your kitchen during the quarantine. Not only are they super nutritious, but they are affordable, and they’re very easy to prepare. They’re also quite important if you plan on baking your own delicious treats.




Lots Of Books

We all have that list of books we’ve been “meaning” to read for years now. This is the time to stock up on books (whether paper or ebooks) and start making progress on that list! Whether you enjoy a good fiction story or prefer non-fiction, there’s plenty of time to start reading more.

Lots Of Books

Lots Of Books


Streaming Services

Staying indoors for extended periods of time is quite difficult. However, there are things that can make it easier, like having your favorite shows and movies available to watch on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+. Take some time to relax and enjoy your favorites.

Streaming Services

Streaming Services